Showing posts with label economics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economics. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dinar Emas & Real wealth

(this articles sent and posted on the chedet blog as follows)
By fairuzstone on March 2, 2009 4:55 AM
Assalamualaikum to YABhg Tun and all

Many thanks for sharing some insights of what is happening now on the global economics.. It's really terrifying. Just like waiting "what is next?" another another suicides, another new names, another terms, another schemes and so forth. The money and funds traders, speculators and brokers are so powerful more than able to bring down a government, but half of the world would suffer for all their doings.
Now it starts to hit them back again and again but will they learn how to become responsible manager rather than manipulator???

Fiscal policy is important part of actual economics. Through a fiscal policy then we can see how good or effective such a government decision is, creation of jobs, distribution of wealths and flow of money in the market.
The true and physical trading is where we can see how goods are moving from hands to hands, actual cash is there and markets determined by supply and demand. However, these people trade money for money which is not good at all. Just papers. No goods been traded. These greedy lust manipulators gained profits from elasticity of money values, the difference that they expected from up and down of the currency values and it is just similar to gambling.
That is why the real money is Gold. A tangible value. Wealth and banknotes/money shall be measured against gold, not against paper. Gold cannot be manipulated because it has real value unlike paper which merely artificial value. Gold values are hardly depreciated as time moves. Thus tendency of people becomes poorer due to depreciation of cash in hand as a result of currency values going up & down by speculations can be prevented. This will ensure prosperity to be enjoyed by general public at large, instead of making them as victims of these few money traders.

When Tun Dr Mahathir proposed to muslim countries leaders as well as to the world to use back gold as currency to be used in international trades, to be used in the martket for business transactions, and for sell & purchase of goods or services as the mean to counter or to subtitute our dependency on US Dollars/greenback in economics, he was IGNORED. This include Tun's successor, i.e. DS Abdullah Badawi, who supposed to continue this proposal by implementing this when he took office as PM, BUT Tun's successor, a grandson of a prominent Ulamak, himself had abandoned this proposal fearing it will affect his image re-branding attempts to the Malaysian people to potray him as "different from Mahathir". During early years after taking over PM office when all Mahathir's policies, planning and projects had been re-branded, some been cancelled, some been put on-hold & some been modified just to show to the public that his new administration is cleaner than before, projecting himself as do not want to 'waste money' on 'mega projects' which later on were proven as merely cosmetic and worst he obviously so quick spending government money for other things that not give benefit to the country except to his family and people who is in his family's favour.

Dependencies on USD in inter countries trading are just encourage greedy people in the world financial instruments to continue abuse their finance technical know-how on and on to the extent they could use it to attack any non-ally countries who do not conform to their agenda or policies, where they will be punished by devaluating their currencies vs USD, to make the people in the target country poorer and then create unrest in the country, and then through some local leaders, normally the oppositions or anti-establisments groups who are willing to become ally to them, the so-called 'regime change' will be initiated to make demand to bring down the existing government by ochestrated propaganda where public will be tuned to blame the economic downturn on their government with such allegations the like mismanagement, cronysme, nepotisme, irregularities, corruptions, dictator, scandals and many more politically financial jargons will be heard. We can witness all these from what had happened to Suharto, Zimbabwe and our country also was nearly fallen to this trap when DS Anwar Ibrahim so confident with his back-up and supports given by the USA to install him as Malaysian Prime Minister as a reward for his willingness to cooperate with financial intruments under US control like IMF and Worl Bank to allow Malaysian financial mechanism been adjusted and collapse the economy into turmoil. This is to press Tun Mahathir, who was so vocal towards US and Israel policies, to step down for being responsible on allegedly as the cause to the economic downturn with the support from the media in promoting the words cronysme and nepotisme. However the real cause was ignored.
With God's help, Tun Dr Mahathir and his economic advisers/strategist had successfully brought the country out of the turmoil

faster than what were forecasted by using unorthodox financial control measures, against all odds. The culprit i.e. DSAI lastly caught red-handed. In the beginning, many condemnations received from international financial "experts", and many groups in this country, due to their inferiority complex when facing the "experts", were also joined with the international financial experts laughing at Tun Dr Mahathir's prescriptions.

However, in duetime, as we can witness now, the truth prevails. They lick back their own spit. God wills cannot be denied. This serve as reminder for us not to be greedy and arrogant. We have to use gold as the currency to clean back the economy. When Tun Dr Mahathir proposed the use of gold dinar (DINAR EMAS) to replace dollar (in the year 2003, OIC), the price of 916 gold was around RM45 - RM60 per gram and now at RM80 - RM95 per gram. Is that not enough for value comparison??? How rich we could be now?, double the wealth, right?, if we adopt that gold dinar. Just like what our prophet SAW practice.


Sometimes there are some people who like to do the things that they dont want to do.