Monday, September 8, 2008

Good News! Putin Sends His Fleet To Caribbean

Ya betul…. Sokong any nation but not US & Israel & sekutunya….

-----Original Message-----From: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:uum_ with_hons@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Fairuz Bin Kamarulzaman KamarulzamanSent: Tuesday, 09 September, 2008 10:34 AMTo: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comCc: 3d215@yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: Russia to send ships, planes to Venezuela ; Yeahhh Bring 'em On

kita musti sokon sama itu Vladimir Putin

----- Original Message ----From: Saharudin Mohd Dan To: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tuesday, September 9, 2008 10:27:52 AMSubject: Re: Russia to send ships, planes to Venezuela ; Yeahhh Bring 'em On
cayalah russia.. demi minyak.. US sanggup buat apa sajer..

--- On Mon, 9/8/08, fairuz> wrote:
From: fairuz Subject: Russia to send ships, planes to Venezuela ; Yeahhh Bring 'em OnTo: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. com, "gang" <3d215@yahoogroups.>Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 7:07 PM

Russia to send ships, planes to Venezuela

By IAN JAMES, Associated Press Writer Mon Sep 8, 6:35 PM ET
CARACAS, Venezuela - Russia's plan to deploy ships and warplanes to the Caribbean for joint military exercises with Venezuela is allowing President Hugo Chavez to capitalize on tensions between Moscow and the U.S. and showcase a growing military alliance.
Russia announced on Monday that it will send a naval squadron and long-range patrol planes for the exercises later this year — a move that appeared retaliatory after the U.S. sent warships to deliver aid to Georgia following its conflict with Russia.
The deployment is expected to be the largest Russian naval maneuvers in the Caribbean — and perhaps the Western Hemisphere — since the Cold War.
Chavez considers the U.S. a defense threat, and his welcoming of the Russian navy contrasted with his sharp criticism of the recent reactivation of the U.S. Navy's Fourth Fleet for the Caribbean and Latin America. He ridiculed possible U.S. concerns about the Russian deployment on Sunday, saying: "Go ahead and squeal, Yankees."
"This is vintage Chavez. He rarely misses an opportunity to needle and provoke Washington," said Michael Shifter, an analyst at the Washington-based think tank Inter-American Dialogue. "He is taking advantage of the growing chill in U.S.-Russia relations, especially over the situation in Georgia, to poke his finger in (President) Bush's eye. There is nothing he relishes more."
Chavez says the U.S. Fourth Fleet — which was dissolved after World War II — poses a threat to the region. U.S. officials say the fleet will help maintain security while performing humanitarian missions and counter-drug operations.
Anna Gilmour, an analyst at Jane's Intelligence Review, said she believes the exercises will be primarily for the benefit of Venezuela, which has been drawing closer to Russia and buying weapons from Kalashnikov assault rifles to Sukhoi fighter jets. She said the maneuvers also appear to be a response to the relaunch of the U.S. Fourth Fleet.
"By allowing Russian vessels to dock at Venezuelan ports, Chavez is sending the message that the U.S. is not the only major power active in the Caribbean," Gilmour said.
The U.S. government, however, appeared unconcerned.
U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack poked fun at Russia's navy, saying if Russia really intends to send ships to the Caribbean, "then they found a few ships that can make it that far."
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko insisted that Russia's decision to send a naval squadron and planes to Venezuela was made before Russia's war with Georgia and is unrelated to the conflict.
But last week, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned that Russia would mount an unspecified response to recent U.S. aid shipments to Georgia using Navy vessels on the Black Sea.
Shifter said it's clear Russia in "unhappy about the U.S.'s increasing presence in the Black Sea" and "as part of its resurgent nationalism, Russia wants to flex its muscles and remind Washington that it too has important alliances in the U.S. backyard."

Friday, July 11, 2008

Funan - The Earliest Malay Kingdom

I strongly believe that the earliest Malay empire in this region was Kerajaan Funan (Atau Raja Gunung) yang memerintah seluruh Indocina (sekarang Vietnam, Kemboja, Laos dan Thailand), Segenting Kra, Semenanjung Tanah Melayu ataupun Hujung Tanah dan Kepulauan sekitarnya. Hanya disebabkan sekarang masing2 mempunyai negara masing2 dan cuba menghapuskan kebenaran fakta bahawa pada awalnya abad pertama hingga ke tujuh pusat pemerintahan orang Melayu adalah di Tanah Besar sebelum berlaku perpecahan dan peperangan yang terlalu kerap, maka berlakulah migrasi atau perpindahan kawasan kekuasaan atau ketuanan dari Funan di utara menurun ke selatan di kawasan Langkasuka dan Pantai Timur di kawasan Kelantan, Petani, Yala dan Ligor. Disitulah kembalinya bertapak kerajaan Melayu yg runtuh dari Funan, menjadi asas kepada kerajaan Sri Vijaya di mana selepas beberapa tempoh, Raja Jayanasa dengan angkatan tenteranya sebanyak 20,000 orang beserta pengikut dan kaum keluarganya telah berhijrah ke pulau Sumatera di Palembang dan kembali menguasai seluruh kawasan kepulauan Sumatera, Riau, Borneo, Mindanao, Maluku dan Sulawesi. Kerajaan Sri Vijaya dan keluarga diraja Sailendra di pulau Jawa barat mengakui bahawa mereka adalah keturunan raja-raja gunung iaitu Funan. Maka di sini kita dapat lihat kesinambungannya pd abad pertama hingga ke 7, kerjaan Funan yg paling besar dan berkuasa di Asia Tenggara, kemudian setelah ia runtuh, berkerajaan sementara di utara semenanjung sehingga mereka memutuskan untuk menjadikan Palembang sebagai ibukota baru pada abad ke 8 dengan nama baru iaitu Sri Vijaya sempena berjayanya mereka mendapatkan kekuasaan memerintah di Asia Tenggara serta kembali menguasai laluan dagangan yg amat penting antara timur dan barat iaitu Laut China Selatan dan Selat Melaka. Kembali kepada kerajaan Funan, kita dapat saksikan betapa kukuhnya bangsa ini walaupun dihimpit dengan kuasa2 baru iaitu Annam (Vietnam), Khmer (Kemboja) dan Siam (Thailand) bangsa Melayu Champa telah dilindungi Tuhan untuk kekal sehingga sekarang menjadi sebahagian dari masyarakat utama di Kemboja masakini di kawasan Kompong Cham ("Kampung Champa") dan sekitarnya. Merekalah pewaris yang tabah dan kekal di tanah besar Indo China sehingga sekarang walaupun cuba dihapuskan oleh kerjaan Annam dan cuba dihapuskan oleh Khmer Rouge, namun Alhamdulillah ia selamat dan dapat dikekalkan sebagai tanda bahawa orang Melayu pernah berkuasa di sana. Apa yg perlu dilakukan adalah dengan mengekalkan persaudaraan dan saling bantu membantu dengan masyarakat melayu kemboja (champa) ini sebagai saudara kita juga, dengan membenarkan mereka juga berniaga di Semenanjung ini disamping saudara2 yang lain dari Indonesia, selatan Thailand dan juga filipina yg diaku sebagai saudara ras Melayu. Maka boleh kita simpulkan bahawa turutan kesinambungan kerajaan Melayu adalah seperti berikut - Kerajaan Funan 1st Century - 7th Century Empayar Sri Vijaya 8th Century - 14th Century (the longest empire) Kesultanan Melaka 15th Century - early 16th Century Kesultanan Johor Riau 16th Century - 18th Century Colonial Era 18th Century - 19th Century - early 20th century Modern Day Malaysia, Indonesia & Brunei sekarang sekian

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

coup d'etat in ancient malay sultanate - part 1

according to sulalatus salatin (the malay annals), a narrative records of Melaka Sultanate, there was a coup d'etat during the early establishment of this kingdom.

Sultan Muhammad Syah has many wives. So, the wife of royal blood has priority of her son to become heir of the throne. however when Sultan Muhammad Syah died, the heir of royal blood was still a minor, around 5 - 7 years of age, which obviously had no interest about ruling a kingdom or a government. At the same time, the late sultan has another elder son but not of royal blood wife, that was Raja Kassim.

The minor heir was installed as new king of Melaka as Parameswara Dewa Syah. His mother was Puteri Raja Rokan (Rokan was one of vassal state of Melaka). Since he was still a minor knowing nothing about the affairs of state administration, trading and protocols except playing with his peers and servants. Things became worst when the Raja of Rokan, father to Puteri Rokan as well as king's grandfather, take opportunity of his status as grandfather to become like an acting king of Melaka since the minor king was always in his arms (didokong) wherever the king was is there would be Raja Rokan.

The elder son of former king of another wife was Raja Kassim. His mother was of noblewoman with tamil muslim blood as her father was Dato' Mani Purindan a richman who claimed he's a royal blood from India who not been chosen to become king there and seek fortune in Melaka with all his households and followers and paid homage and loyalty to KIng of Melaka and become the King's subjects forever with all his households and followers, he came from southern india to Melaka and pledge loyalty to the King of Melaka and all his descendents will adopt all the customs, language and laws of Melaka forever.

Since Raja Kassim, eventhough he is older than the minor king, well-learned, sound knowledge of state's affairs and administrative and protocols, was not given the right to become King of Melaka and so he brought himself to live as ordinary people at port of Melaka, stay in his common people relatives and worked at port just like other commoners.

At the court Melaka, the minor king was just like a puppet and the real ruler was Raja Rokan his grandfather who sits on the throne with the king in his arms in the 'balai penghadapan' and 'balai rong seri'. Gradually these situations had caused some restless among the ministers, the officers and the knights who slowly realized that they were ruled by an acting king of a vassal state of Melaka, a tributary state it was. They all were in the state of dilemma.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

itu kita kena tunggu dia punya father jalan, baru dia mau masuk Muslim mau jadi seperti Khalifah Umar Abd Aziz of Bani Umayyah.
kata itu mesti dikotakan maa, tuan yang terutama.
jangan main2 cakap haa..

----- Original Message -----
From: Shahrunizan
Cc: gang ; syed idrus syed husain ; sherry
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - Penyakit - Lim Guan Eng
Bagaimana pulak dengan Lim Guan Eng..? mungkin dia juagak layak sekarang ?....dia ada sebut dulu dia sanggup berkhatan (potong itu bawah)..kalau bapak dia dah jalann..

kat mana ntah ada baca statement nih...kekekeke..

--- On Wed, 7/2/08, fairuz <> wrote:
From: fairuz <>Subject: Re: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - PenyakitTo: uum_with_hons@yahoogroups.comCc: "gang" <>, "syed idrus syed husain" <>, "sherry" <>Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 9:21 AM
Nik Aziz meamang bagus, aku suka dia, Chedet pun bagus, aku suka dia gak
tapi kedua2nya (dua2 ekor tu sebenarnya geng), tapi pendapat sayalah yg bebal ni tak boleh rasanya nak pimpin negara lagi, faktor kesihatan & fizikal

for time being, I'll vote for Najib to continue what his father had not.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ahmad Ilmi Jasman
To: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 9:06 AM
Subject: RE: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - Penyakit
Aku sekali lagi nak share cerita ex-UTK yg jadi bos security tempat keje lama aku. Sebagai UTK, mission dia, SHOOT TO KILL atau ESCORT VVIP (PM / TPM dll). So dalam keje Escort mengescort nih, banyak kali juga dia mengescort Anwar. Nak dijadikan cerita, bila malam hari dekat hotel (kerja outstation) Anwar akan kata kat bodyguard UTK ni, “Datuk-datuk tak payah ikut saya. Duduk di hotel, saya ada hal sebentar”. Bila? Malam hari. Apa dia buat? Ntah tapi keluar hotel dgn bukan kereta rasmi ikut pintu belakang menyorok-nyorok. Yg biasanya dia buat, dia kata biasalah…. So, aku kenal bebenar org yg cerita ni, so 85% aku percaya. So… kita pikirlah sendiri.
Macam yg korang kata, minta Allah tunjukkan siapa yg melakukan kesalahan, mendapat balasannya & kita mendapat petunjuk untuk pemimpin yg benar-benar peminpin…
Pilihan aku…..
Che Det (tapi bagilah kat org lain pulak, sebab banyak kelemahan Che Det kita dah nampak)
So yg paling layak… Nik Aziz… cuba bayangkan ulama’ menjadi PM. Insyallah kadar maksiat di KL akan turun mendadak atau tiada maksiat dikalangan org Islam….
Human Capital Department
Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad
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-----Original Message-----From: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:uum_ with_hons@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of al hairilSent: Tuesday, 01 July, 2008 9:04 PMTo: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - Penyakit
Entahlah... Jan... semoga Allah menunjukkan siapa dia sebenarnya.. . kalau dia betul baik. maka tunjukkan jalan yg baik utk dia, tapi kalau dia sebaliknya semoga dia bertaubat dan kembali ke pangkal jalan...--- On Tue, 7/1/08, jan ahmad wrote:
From: jan ahmad Subject: Re: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - PenyakitTo: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comDate: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 8:54 PM
bagi aku lak...tindakan anwar adalah strategi dia yang mungkin dianggap bijak..dia berjaya menarik perhatian dunia..kemudiannya mendapat jaminan akan keselamatan dia daripada kerajaan..dulu dia di tangkap kemudiannya di pukul oleh Ketua Polis Negara..jadi dia mempunyai sebab untuk berbuat demikian...kalau nak cakap Liberal Islamist ni..ada ka istilah macam tu..mcm fundamentalist islam..atau selainnya..sebab yang aku tahu hanya islam...tak ada hadharinya.. .
----- Original Message ----From: al hairil To: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tuesday, July 1, 2008 7:43:20 PMSubject: Re: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - Penyakit
Kalau kita baca karangan Hishamudin Rais tu mungkin kita percaya Anwar tak buat benda nie.. tapi biasanya kalau dia tak bersalah dia patutnya tak lari menyorok mcm skrg ni dan bagi alasan bukan2...
Masalahnya kita nampak Anwar ni skrg tak macam Anwar masa muda2 dulu, gaya cakapnya, visinya , "keadilannya " dah tak best mcm masa dia student dulu atau masa awal2 dlm bidang politik tu dulu..
Anwar skrg lebih adalah model Liberal Islamist oleh Amerika.. jadi hati kecil aku tetap berkata kalau takde angin masakan pokok boleh bergoyang...
--- On Tue, 7/1/08, Azlan Abd Malik wrote:
From: Azlan Abd Malik Subject: Re: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - PenyakitTo: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comDate: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 6:05 PM
Pokok pangkalnya jgn laaa meng idola kan pemimpin....
Saya dah tak nak meng idolakan Tun Mahathir lagi kerna tebukti dia ni banyak membawa kehancuran kpd umat Melayu kerna melayan nafsu2 si bodoh-bodoh Melayu-melayu yang dapat jawatan dalam UMNO
Ada jawatan ada fulus ...pirahhhh
Saya pun tak nak meng idola kan Anwar Ibrahim kerna kalau dia bersalah biarlaah dia dihukum oleh Allah...kita manusia tiada hak untuk menghakimi mutlak akhlak orang
Dulu dia pun sama terbabit dalam political game kerna nak melawan kroni2 mamak medey
Kita tak usah jd hipokrit sangat nak pemimpin yang betul2 mulia...kalau nak ekstrem tahap mulia ni haaaa kita pilih Nik Aziz...haa menngeletar org2 yang kaya sbb makan duit rakyat ni,.... sbb dah tak boleh pukul langsung duit rakyat,... baru padan muka...
kalau tak aku rasa kalau Anwar ni mungkin dia akan guna otak rasional lebih skit laaa
Kalau dia pun sama macam pak Lah jugak haaaa kan ramai org2 BN kita boley mintak tolong kasi jatuh balik.. Apa nak risau....... Polis ada (Ketua Polis kan dulu pernah kautem dgn org BN apa nak susah)
Apa? Anwar ejen kuasa Asing, kroni US...yea ke?
Bahya...mmg bahya tapi org yang dia lawan tu pun lagi teruk ...
Tak usah jd paku dulang paku serpih...
Tanya laa Daim Zainuddin... dia yg bagi bos dia George Soros kayee....sbb hilang pertaruhan duit pakai Bank Negara dulu..kakakaka
Lepas tu Soros ada cukup fund belasah laa kita negara Asia ciput ni bg kita miskin
Heyyy... Siasat betul2 dulu apsal Anwar Ibrahim dipecat..... ......
Yea ke ejen asing... kalau betul pengkhianat negara jatuhkanlaaa hukuman gantung atau firing squad barulahhh keadilan yang sebenarnya..
Takut pulakkk
--- On Tue, 1/7/08, jan ahmad wrote:
From: jan ahmad Subject: Re: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - PenyakitTo: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comDate: Tuesday, 1 July, 2008, 5:18 PM
sayang sokong encik tizry..saya pun bukan sokong anwar..tapi ini fitnah bab liwat kes besar ni
----- Original Message ----From: Saharudin Mohd Dan To: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tuesday, July 1, 2008 4:58:20 PMSubject: Re: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - Penyakit
..saya berpendapat anwar ibrahim bukanlah seorang sodom..
tetapi beliau adalah mangsa konspirasi politik negara..
inilah perkembangan tidak sihat yang telah mula menular ke dalam politik Malaysia, bila fitnah telah mula berkuasa, manakala kedaulatan dan kesucian undang-undang negara telah mula goyah dan tidak mempunyai integriti yang kukuh dan berwibawa.
--- On Tue, 7/1/08, bad lalih wrote:
From: bad lalih Subject: Re: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - PenyakitTo: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comDate: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 1:51 AM
Tuan-tuan semua, bagi saya kes saudara Anwar dituduh membontot orang bukanlah perkara pelik sekiranya ianya benar-benar berlaku.Berkemungki nan saudara Anwar kita mengidap penyakit yang kadang2 datang perasaan yg tidak normal utk membuat perkara terkutuk itu, penyakit ini bila datang menyerang, orang itu tidak akan dapat menahan, meskipun dia orang yg kuat beribadat.Umpama kita terasa lapar, makan aje la ubatnya. Atau byk kes lain seperti mat gian yg dtg gian sanggup buat apa saje utk menghilangkan gian, kes org2 kaya tapi sering mencuri benda2 kecil disupermarket, kes maknyah,pondan yg menjual tubuh,bukan salah mereka kerana mereka dilahirkan cacat nafsu..atau yg mcm lelaki macho tapi gay...mereka2 ini cacat nafsu dan berpenyakit yg hanya dapat diubati bila dapat 'menikmati' apa yg dihajati Walaupun solat dapat menghindari kerja2 terkutuk ini, namun penyakit ini bila datang menyerang insan2 ini gagal bertahan, namun jika mereka mengabaikan solat, maka lagi parah la penyakit mereka dan makin kerap membuat onar jika dibandingkan dgn mereka yg rajin bersolat. Saya sendiri pernah melihat seorang insan yg berserban dan solat malam, namun telah melakukan onar terhadap rakan saya di dalam masjid...masyaallah . Banyak juga kes ustaz maupun imam yg merogol anak gadis sedangkan mereka tidak mengabaikan solat...
Mungkin juga saudara Anwar pernah terlibat dimasa lampau,namun masih ada pihak yg mahu mengungkit utk tujuan politik. Jika benar, saya pun tak bersetuju waima perkara tersebut berlaku 20 30 thn yg lampau...saya tak rela bakal PM kita pernah menyodom org,nanti org2 asing berkata"PM M'sia mat bontot". Walaupun tidak benar,saya masih tidak bersetuju beliau menjadi PM kerana segelintir org masih berkata dan menuduh beliau mat sodom. Ramai lagi yg layak jadi PM.
Jalan penyelesaian bagi kes ini, saya syorkan Saudara Anwar bersumpah dgn menjunjung Al-Quran dan dibuat secara live di TV utk menafikan perkara ini dengan menyatakan yg beliau tidak pernah melakukan seks diluar tabii sepanjang hayatnya...then baru saya sokong dia jadi PM.Wallahualam. ...--- On Tue, 7/1/08, fairuz wrote:
From: fairuz Subject: Wayang Anwar Re: Sodo Mee - Part 2To: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. com, "gang" <3d215@yahoogroups.>, "syed idrus syed husain" , "sherry" Date: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 2:28 PM
tapi bila tengok anwar punya melatah kadang2 kelakar gak, semua orang dia mau kasi babit
moral of the story
Bila u fitnah orang dgn bukti yg dangkal, tapi orang tu selamba ajer, rileks tak melatah,
tapi Bila u pulak kena fitnah sikit je, budak 23tahun, punya kelamkabut bagai nak rak, kalau buleh satu dunia nak kena tahu.
Kita ambil lah pelajaran dari kes anwar ni. Allah SWT memberi tanda2 kekuasaannya dan membalasnya dengan kehendakNya untuk kita rakyat malaysia tengok untuk difikirkan.
berani kerana benar
takut kerana salah
pulang paku buah keras
----- Original Message -----
From: Safiallah Zakaria
To: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: FW: Sodo Mee - Part 2
Sumpah lawak...Safiallah Zakaria Mobile:- +6012-283 1494 Alt. Email:- safi_zakaria@
Betul-betul filem Melayu. Turun lokasi dulu kemudian baru buat skrip dan cari pelakon extra. Kah kah kah. Filem kita berwajah kita. Hidup PDRM... oops Hidup FINAS. DARI JELEBU Alamak gua dengar filem Sodo Me karya Brad Pittail akan di buat lagi. Sodo Mee Part 2 ini akan dibuat dengan lebih gempaq. Gua dengar dengan sahih si pengarah Brad Pittail sudah mulakan penggambaran. Iklan-iklan telah bocor di akhbar-akhbar. Pelakon utama telah ditemui.Dengar-dengar nya filem Part Two ini amat gah TETAPI lokasinya masih belum di tentukan. Inilah standard filem Melayu. Leceh. Kata nak buat filem gempaq. Lokasi pun belum jumpa. Bila di tanya Brad Pittail di mana lokasi tempat Sodo Mee terjadi, dia berkata: lokasinya berlaku di dalam kondo di Jalan Pantai, di kondo di Jalan Bangsar dan di kondo Damansara dan terus ke kondo Segambut. In best punya Sodo Mee beb. Makan tak habis.Woit! Ada berapa ribu kondo di sana? Yang mana satu kondo yang betul. Ini nampaknya bukan filem Sodo Mee Part Two. Kalau kondo panjang-panjang dan nama kondo pun tidak jelas ini samalah seperti kempen undilah Shahrizat Gadis Pilihanku. Biar betul Kalau macam itu baik cakap Sodo Mee ini berlaku di semua kondo-kondo di Kuala Lumpur, di Shah Alam, PJ , Kelang dan Senawang. Baru boleh cover line. Lebih safe. Pukul borong. Pasti lokasi tak salah.Ingat tak... skrip filem pertama dulu pun macam ini juga. Mula-mula Sodo Mee Part One berlaku di kondo Bukit Bangsar. Tapi bila crew pergi check kondo ini pun belum siap dibuat. Macam mana nak menegang Sodo Mee kalau kondo belum siap. BerSodo Mee atas simen sakit.... beb. Tak percaya cuba try. Kah kah kah. Inilah filem kita berwajah kita.Woit! Brad Pittail. Takkan drama ke dua ini macam skrip pertama juga. Kan filem pertama dulu dah tak laku. Kalau nak tipu, tipulah. Menipu bukan satu kesalahan. Yang salah apabila orang tak percaya.Lakonan pegawai polis ini pun satu hal lagi. Dalam drama mesti ada aksi. Baru orang tengok syok. Lakonan polis ini sudah tidak masuk akal. Semua dilok polis sudah bikin kacau. Semua bikin susah. Mana dilok yang betul? Mula-mula cakap laporan penggambaran Sodo Mee ini dibuat di Balai Polis Jalan Travers kemudian laporan ini dibuat dekat pondok polis Hospital KL. Mana satu lokasi yang betul. Nak shoot pakai crane pun biarlah hati-hati. Dari Jalan Travers ke HKL berapa jauh daaa... Holywood pun tidak boleh buat satu long shot 10 kilometer jauhnya. Pasti kabur . Kah kah kah. Filem kita berwajah kita.Dilok Bakreee Senin dalam 'act one' cukup tidak meyakinkan. Dialog ini tak masuk akal. Dalam filem Sivaji The Boss balai polis hanya dijaga oleh Tok Sarjan Saab. Dalam Sodo Mee Part Two yang menjaga Balai Travers ialah Tuan Bakree Senin sendiri. Apa hal gedebe ini menjaga balai. Tuan Bakree Senin ialah seorang OCPD. Tuan OCPD tidak jaga kaunter balai untuk ambil laporan. Dia tinggal dalam bilik khas. Ada kipas angin. Kerja OCPD Saab bukan ambil laporan atau buat teh. Ni yang buat kepala pening nonton filem Melayu.Semakin lama filem ini berjalan semakin kelam kabut jalan ceritanya. Laporan Sodo Mee ini diambil di mana ? Ulang shoot sekali lagi ke? Di Balai Travers atau di Pondok Polis HKL? Alaaa bradeer.... kalau Marlon Brando berlakon pun gua rasa payah dia nak deliver line macam ini. Aku rasa aktor Bombay Jalalaludeen Hasani boleh jadi OCPD macam dalam Sivaji. Tapi kalau abang dia berlakon gua rasa kentut pun tidak ada bau.Gua kurang faham kenapa si Mamat yang bernama Brad Pittail ini menjadi pengarah Sodo Mee Part Two? Si Mamat yang mengarah ini pun bukan hebat sangat otaknya. Semasa belajar dahulu dia slow sikit ( ini class mate dia seorang big lawyer yang joging hari-hari di Lake Garden bagi tahu). Dia slow kerana semasa kanak-kanak dia dihinggapi oleh wabak kurang cerdik. Mungkin badi wabak ini telah merosakkan daya fikir si Mamat ini. Itu fasal apabila dia bikin skrip drama, orang tidak percaya jalan ceritanya. Bila dia menjadi pengarah, cerita menjadi tidak lengkap dan berserabut.Betul-betul filem Melayu. Turun lokasi dulu kemudian baru buat skrip dan cari pelakon extra. Kah kah kah. Filem kita berwajah kita. Hidup PDRM.. oops Hidup FINAS.Gua dengar skrip ini telah di ambil dari skrip lama filem Fitna Al- Sodom Al Drebarli. Skrip ini telah memenangi hadiah ke 3 peraduan skrip anjuran Matt Madey. Brad Pittail dipilih menjadi pengarah, bukan kerana dia bijak tetapi kerana dia bernasib baik. Ketika Matt Madey jadi PM ( production manager) dahulu, Madey cukup prihatin dan telah banyak membantu pelakon-pelakon Orang Kurang Berfikir (OKB) seperti pelakon Nazri, Fidah, Sami, AG dan GIP. Matt Madey cukup suka bergelojak dengan OKB. Matt Madey sebagai PM cukup cerdik mengemut bujet dan amat bijak dalam hal mengumpulkan pelakon-pelakon OKB ini. Kerana kurang berfikirlah maka Brad Pittail dapat menjadi pengarah. Kah kah kah.Tentang lakonan? Satu habuk pun penonton tidak akan percaya. Yang paling tidak meyakinkan ialah adegan lakonan hero filem ini dalam Pejabat Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Kenapa pelakon utama filem ini digambari dengan seorang Mamat Hitam Lagi Pendek Lagi Muka Tak Laku. Mukanya Mamat Hitam ini macam muka Aman Belon.(Siapa Aman Belon? Gua penonton filem Melayu yang setia. Gua tahu siapa Aman Belon. Muka Mat Hitam itu macam muka Aman Belon. Kalau tidak caya sila tanya Bapak Saudara gua Lebai Google.)Apakah perlunya bergambar di dalam opis TPM? Siapa Mamat Hitam Pendek ini? Apa peranan dia dalam filem ini? Aku rasa Mamat Hitam ini adalah Mamat Bottom. Kalau muka gebu macam dia ini, kalau gua pengarah gua minta dia berlakon jadi hantu. Macam Aman Belon dalam cerita Pontianak. Mesti Rosmah.... oops Maria Menado menjadi takut.Pelakon utama filem Sodo Mee Part Two ini gua dengar ialah pendatang baru yang bernama Sinful Buka Harihari (tidak ada tali persaudaraan dengan si penyeludup beras di Perlis). Apa yang dia buka hari hari itu gua pun tidak tahu. Buka seluar ke atau buka punggung. Tingginya hampir enam kaki. Bila bergambar dengan Mamat Bottom itu gayanya betul-betul macam Wahid Satay berdiri disebelah Aman Belon. Kah kah kah. Filem kita berwajah Bottom ....oops berwajah kita.Apa yang tidak masuk akal ialah apabila adegan Sinful hendak di liwat oleh seorang tua berumur 60 tahun , kenapa si Sinful TIDAK menendang atau menerajang si peliwat yang semakin tua ini. Kenapa tidak menggunakan ‘method acting’ atau ‘kung fu Bruce Lee Adegan ini skripnya tidak di tulis dengan betullaaa. Kalau ada pergaduhan lagi best. Lagi suspens. Lagi erotik. Inilah skrip filem Melayu kantoi all the time.Penonton berfikir.... mustahil hero kita yang baru berumur 23 tahun, tinggi 6 kaki tidak dapat menendang bakal peliwat yang sudah berumur 60 tahun. Kenapa tidak ada struggle dalam adegan ini. Patutnya ada dialog – ‘ ciss orang tua 60 tahun....jangan liwat bontot aku jika kamu tidak ada Ky Jelly...’ Kah kah kah. Filem kita berwajah kita.Ingat tidak Maria Schneider yang nak di liwat oleh Brando dalam Last Tango In Paris pun ada tendang menendang. Ingat atau tidak adanya butter yang di gunakan oleh Brando. Semasa Bernardo Bertolucci membuat adegan ini berapa kilo butter terbarai. Ini baru skrip yang meyakinkan.Dalam Sodo Mee Part Two ini tidak ada adegan melawan. Ini amat-amat kurang meyakinkan. Hampir mustahil seorang anak hero yang lubang bontotnya hendak di jolok tidak dapat melawan. Kalau dia tidak jaga bontonya siapa yang akan menjaga. Apakah perlu JJ datang membantu? Lagi bahaya nanti, kena raba-raba sebelum dijolok.Orang ramai telah mula bercakap tentang skrip filem Sodo Mee Part 2 ini. Kegagalan skrip ini sudah nampak jelas. Kalau skrip ini gagal satu lagi krisis pasti akan timbul. Matt Madey tuan punya skrip original akan bertindak menyaman pengarah filem ini Saman akan diajukan kerana filem Part Two ini telah memalukan Matt Madey penulis asal skrip ini.Dari majalah Cine Revue du Fou, saya difahamkan mungkin skrip filem ini dapat di selamatkan dengan prop yang cukup menarik. Kali ini TILAM dan Bantal buruk yang ada dalam skrip asal tidak akan dipanggil untuk berlakon. Saya difahamkan tilam dan bantal akan diganti dengan minyak lintah dan kain gebar. Dan besar kemungkinan ada beberapa prop baru yang sedang direka oleh Brad Pittail. Prop-prop inilah nanti diharapkan akan meyakinkan penonton Malaysia.Saya juga mendengar beberapa ekor lintah hidup juga akan dibawa sebagai pembantu ‘special effect’ untuk mengeluarkan darah dalam babak pemeriksaan doktor. Darah perlu menitik keluar dari bontot Sinful Buka Harihari untuk menyeramkan penonton. Satu kamera angle yang unik sedang disusun di mana lintah tidak kelihatan tetapi darah menitis keluar dari bontot. Ini gua rasa akan menjadi satu adegan yang lebih hebat dari Last Tango.Kalau adegan darah meleleh keluar dari bontot Sinful Buka Harihari ini dapat dikamerkan maka gua yakin filem Sodo Mee Part Two ada peluang untuk di murtabakkan sebagai filem lawak Melayu Internasional untuk kurun ini. Gua rasa kalau scene ini berjaya gua yakin Sodo Mee Part Two boleh bertanding untuk mendapat piala Le Fou du Monde di Cuntt Filem Festival. Kah kah kah. Filem kita berwajah kita.

History & Politiks: Anwar Ibrahim Gimmick

History & Politiks: Anwar Ibrahim Gimmick

Anwar Ibrahim Gimmick

Tapi bila tengok Anwar Ibrahim punya melatah kadang2 kelakar gak, semua orang dia mau kasi babit

Moral of the story
Bila u fitnah orang dgn bukti yg dangkal, tapi orang tu selamba ajer, rileks tak melatah,
tapi Bila u pulak kena fitnah sikit je, budak 23tahun, punya kelamkabut bagai nak rak, kalau buleh satu dunia nak kena tahu.

Kita ambil lah pelajaran dari kes anwar ni. Allah SWT memberi tanda2 kekuasaannya dan membalasnya dengan kehendakNya untuk kita rakyat malaysia tengok untuk difikirkan.

Berani kerana Benar
Takut kerana Salah
Pulang Paku Buah Keras

Semuanya kita boleh simpulkan dalam bahasa inggeris
"Do Unto Others, As They Done To You
fight fire with fire
ending is near
fight fire with fire
bursting is fear
we all shall die" (credit to Metallica)


Friday, June 27, 2008

Gospel of Barnabas - The least modified bible

The Gospel of Barnabas claims that Jesus predicted the advent of Muhammad, thus conforming with the Qur'an which mentions:
"And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: O Children of Israel! I am the apostle of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of an Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad. But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, this is evident sorcery!" (Sura 61:6)
(Ahmad is another name of Muhammad.) A Muslim scholarly tradition links this Qur'anic passage to the New Testament references to the Paraclete (John 14:16, 14:26, 15:26, 16:7). The Greek word "paraclete" can be translated "Counsellor"; and in the Christian tradition, is said to refer to the Holy Spirit. Some Muslim scholars have noted the similarity to the Greek "periklutos" which can be translated as "admirable one"; or in Arabic, "Ahmad".
The name of "Muhammad" is frequently mentioned verbatim in the Gospel of Barnabas, as in the following quote:
"Jesus answered: `The name of the Messiah is admirable, for God himself gave him the name when he had created his soul, and placed it in a celestial splendour. God said: "Wait Mohammed; for thy sake I will to create paradise, the world, and a great multitude of creatures, whereof I make thee a present, insomuch that whoso bless thee shall be blessed, and whoso shall curse thee shall be accursed. When I shall send thee into the world I shall send thee as my messenger of salvation, and thy word shall be true, insomuch that heaven and earth shall fail, but thy faith shall never fail." Mohammed is his blessed name.' Then the crowd lifted up their voices, saying: `O God, send us thy messenger: O Admirable One, come quickly for the salvation of the world!'" Barnabas 97:9-10. The Italian manuscript replaces "Admirable One" with "Muhammad" [4].
However, while there are many passages where the Gospel of Barnabas sets out alternative readings to parallel pericopes found in the canonical gospels, none of the references to Muhammad by name occurs in such a synoptic passage; and in particular, none of the "Muhammad" references in Barnabas corresponds to a "Paraclete" reference in canonical John. There is only one instance where the Gospel of Barnabas might be understood as "correcting" a known canonical pericope, so as to record a prophecy by Jesus of the (unnamed) Messenger of God:
Then Jesus said: "I am a voice that cries through all Judea, and cries: "Prepare you the way for the messenger of the Lord," even as it is written in Esaias." They said: "If you be not the Messiah nor Elijah, or any prophet, wherefore do you preach new doctrine, and make yourself of more account than the Messiah?" Jesus answered: "The miracles which God works by my hands show that I speak that which God wills; nor indeed do I make myself to be accounted as him of whom you speak. For I am not worthy to unloose the ties of the hosen or the ratchets of the shoes of the Messenger of God whom you call "Messiah," who was made before me, and shall come after me, and shall bring the words of truth, so that his faith shall have no end." (Chapter 43):
This passage corresponds closely with the canonical John 1:19-30, except that in that passage, the words are spoken by John the Baptist (in the Qur'an; Yahya ibn Zakariya) and refer to Jesus.
[edit] Muhammad as the Messiah
According to one version of the Gospel of Barnabas:
'Then said the priest: "How shall the Messiah be called?" {Jesus answered} "Muhammed is his blessed name" ' (ch. 97).
Jesus confessed, and said the truth: "I am not the Messiah." (ch. 42:2)
As mentioned above, these pronouncements appear to contradict Islamic belief. However, the well-known Muslim debater Ahmed Deedat argues that, since "Messiah" merely means "anointed", it can be attributed to any prophet, and Jesus would have meant Muhammad was anointed by God.
[edit] Ishmaelite Messiah
According to one version of the Gospel of Barnabas, Jesus denied being the Messiah, claiming rather that the Messiah would be Ishmaelite (ie Arab):
"Whereupon Jesus said: 'Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: "God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies." If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord? Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac.'" (Barnabas 43:10)
Hajj Sayed (Senior Member in CIMS), in his new book in Egypt, compares this to the following statement from the canonical Bible:
"What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?" "The son of David," they replied. He said to them, "How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him 'Lord'? For he says, 'The Lord said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.' If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son?" Matthew 22:42-46
According to the canonical Gospels, Jesus was the "son" (descendant) of David; thus, Hajj Sayed argues that this statement confirms the Gospel of Barnabas' point.
The idea of the Messiah as an Arab is also found in another chapter of Gospel of Barnabas:
"If I work iniquity, reprove me, and God will love you, because you shall be doing his will, but if none can reprove me of sin it is a sign that you are not sons of Abraham as you call yourselves, nor are you incorporate with that head wherein Abraham was incorporate. As God lives, so greatly did Abraham love God, that he not only brake in pieces the false idols and forsook his father and mother, but was willing to slay his own son in obedience to God.
The high priest answered: "This I ask of you, and I do not seek to slay you, wherefore tell us: Who was this son of Abraham?" Jesus answered: "The zeal of your honour, O God, inflames me, and I cannot hold my peace. Truly I say, the son of Abraham was Ishmael, from whom must be descended the Messiah promised to Abraham, that in him should all the tribes of the earth be blessed." Then was the high priest wroth, hearing this, and cried out: "Let us stone this impious fellow, for he is an Ishmaelite, and has spoken blasphemy against Moses and against the Law of God." (Barnabas 208:1-2)
Here, one version of the Gospel of Barnabas also quotes Jesus as saying that the sacrificed son of Abraham was Ishmael not Isaac, conforming to Islamic belief but disagreeing with Jewish and Christian belief. A connection might also be drawn between the last paragraph's statement that "in him should all the tribes of the earth be blessed", and the meaning of the name "Muhammad", the "Praised (or Blessed) One". (Cf.Life of Prophet Muhammad).
[edit] Jesus not God or Son of God
According to the Gospel of Barnabas, Jesus foresaw and rejected his own deification:
And having said this, Jesus smote his face with both his hands, and then smote the ground with his head. And having raised his head, he said: "Cursed be every one who shall insert into my sayings that I am the son of God" (53:6)
And having said this Jesus went out of the Temple. And the common people magnified him, for they brought all the sick folk whom they could gather together, and Jesus having made prayer gave to all their health: whereupon on that day in Jerusalem the Roman soldiery, by the working of Satan, began to stir up the common people, saying that Jesus was the God of Israel, who was come to visit his people." (69:6)
Jesus answered: "And you; what say you that I am?" Peter answered: "You are Christ, son of God". Then was Jesus angry, and with anger rebuked him, saying: "Begone and depart from me, because you are the devil and seek to cause me offences" (70:1)
Jesus said again: "I confess before heaven, and call to witness everything that dwells upon the earth, that I am a stranger to all that men have said of me, to wit, that I am more than man. For I am a man, born of a woman, subject to the judgment of God; that live here like as other men, subject to the common miseries" (94:1)
Then answered the priest, with the governor and the king, saying: "Distress not yourself, O Jesus, holy one of God, because in our time shall not this sedition be any more, seeing that we will write to the sacred Roman senate in such wise that by imperial decree none shall any more call you God or son of God." Then Jesus said: "With your words I am not consoled, because where you hope for light darkness shall come; but my consolation is in the coming of the Messenger, who shall destroy every false opinion of me, and his faith shall spread and shall take hold of the whole world, for so has God promised to Abraham our father." (97:1)
This conforms entirely with Muslim belief, according to which Jesus is a human and a prophet. According to some ahadith, he will come back to earth in the future and declare to the world that he is "a Servant of God". According to Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki in his audio lessons Lives of the Prophets, the first thing that prophet Jesus said when he was in the cradle "I am a servant of God", and the first thing that Jesus will say when he will come back to earth will be the same "I am a servant of God". According to the Qur'an:
At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: "O Mary! truly an amazing thing hast thou brought! O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!" But she pointed to the babe. They said: "How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle? He said: "I am indeed a servant of Allah (God). He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet; And He hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live; (He) hath made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable; So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"! Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they dispute. It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah (God) that He beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is. (Mary:27-35)
[edit] Paul and Barnabas
Hajj Sayed argues that Galatians's description of the dispute between Paul and Barnabas supports the idea that the Gospel of Barnabas existed at the time of Paul. Blackhirst has suggested, by contrast, that Galatian's account of this argument could be the reason the gospel's writer attributed it to Barnabas.[5] Paul writes in (Galatians Chapter 2):
"When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. Before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray." (Galatians 2:11-14)
Paul was attacking Peter and Barnabas for "trying to satisfy the Jews" by sticking to their laws, such as circumcision. This shows that, at that point, Barnabas was following Peter and disagreeing with Paul. Some feel it also suggests that the inhabitants of Galatia at his time were using a gospel or gospels disagreeing with Paul's beliefs, which Gospel of Barnabas could be one of them (although the Gospel of Peter would seem a more natural candidate, as in the light of the second letter.) To Galatian's account we may compare the Introductory Chapter of Gospel of Barnabas, where we read:
"Dearly beloved the great and wonderful God hath during these past days visited us by his prophet Jesus Christ in great mercy of teaching and miracles, by reason whereof many, being deceived of Satan, under presence of piety, are preaching most impious doctrine, calling Jesus son of God, repudiating the circumcision ordained of God for ever, and permitting every unclean meat: among whom also Paul hath been deceived, whereof I speak not without grief; for which cause I am writing that truth which I have seen and heard, in the intercourse that I have had with Jesus, in order that ye may be saved, and not be deceived of Satan and perish in the judgment of God. Therefore beware of every one that preacheth unto you new doctrine contrary to that which I write, that ye may be saved eternally." (Introduction To Gospel of Barnabas)
In this context, supporters also note that Peter was from the original 12 disciples of Jesus, and Barnabas was one of the early disciples of Jesus, while Paul, a Roman, hadn't lived with Jesus, and had been accustomed to persecute his followers before his conversion.
Acts 9:26-27: "And when Saul [Paul] was come to Jerusalem he assayed to join himself to the disciples, but they were all afraid of him and believed not that he was a disciple. But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles"
From the previous passages, we can also infer that in the beginning, Paul and Barnabas were getting along with each other; however, at the end, they started to depart in their beliefs.
In conclusion, some Muslim scholars believe that those differences between the Gospel of Barnabas and the belief of Paul might be the reason that the Gospel of Barnabas and other gospels were not added to the New Testament.
[edit] Other non-canonical differences
According to the following quote, Jesus talked to Barnabas and gave him a "secret":
Jesus, weeping, said: "O Barnabas, it is necessary that I should reveal to you great secrets, which, after that I shall be departed from the world, you shall reveal to it." Then answered he that writes, weeping, and said: "Suffer me to weep, O master, and other men also, for that we are sinners. And you, that are a holy one and prophet of God, it is not fitting for you to weep so much."
Jesus answered: "Believe me, Barnabas that I cannot weep as much as I ought. For if men had not called me God, I should have seen God here as he will be seen in paradise, and should have been safe not to fear the day of judgment. But God knows that I am innocent, because never have I harboured thought to be held more than a poor slave. No, I tell you that if I had not been called God I should have been carried into paradise when I shall depart from the world, whereas now I shall not go thither until the judgment. Now you see if I have cause to weep.
Know, O Barnabas, that for this I must have great persecution, and shall be sold by one of my disciples for thirty pieces of money. Whereupon I am sure that he who shall sell me shall be slain in my name, for that God shall take me up from the earth, and shall change the appearance of the traitor so that every one shall believe him to be me; nevertheless, when he dies an evil death, I shall abide in that dishonour for a long time in the world. But when Muhammad shall come, the sacred Messenger of God, that infamy shall be taken away. And this shall God do because I have confessed the truth of the Messiah who shall give me this reward, that I shall be known to be alive and to be a stranger to that death of infamy."
Also according to GoB, Jesus charged Barnabas to write the gospel:
Jesus turned himself to him who writes, and said: "Barnabas, see that by all means you write my gospel concerning all that has happened through my dwelling in the world. And write in a similar manner that which has befallen Judas, in order that the faithful may be undeceived, and every one may believe the truth."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ryukyu - Early Malaysian & Japanese Relationship

Pada hari ini 11.04.1480, Laksamana Melaka, iaitu Hang Tuah telah menyerahkan sepucuk surat kepada Raja Negeri Ryukyu di Negeri Jepun mengenai sebuah kapal Ryukyu yang terdampar di pantai Chio-Chih ataupun Annam Utara. Kapal tersebut yang pada mulanya bermaksud untuk mendapatkan air dikatakan telah terlibat dalam satu pergaduhan berdarah dengan orang-orang Chio-Chih. Laksamana Hang Tuah telah mendapat tahu mengenai kejadian itu Ialu menghantar satu pasukan penyiasat ke Chan-Cheng iaitu Champa yang di bawah kuasa Annam, untuk menyiasat kejadian tersebut. Setelah disiasat dengan teliti, Pasukan Penyiasat ini mendapati bahawa kejadian itu tidaklah benar. Mereka hanya menemui dua orang Ryukyu, salah seorang daripadanya telah mati kerana sakit. Selain dari itu surat Laksamana Hang Tuah juga melaporkan mengenai:- 1. Rombongan dagang raja Negeri Ryukyu termasuk seorang penterjemah bernama Tei Raku telah sampai ke Melaka dan setelah menjalankan perniagaan dengan aman telah kembali semula ke Ryukyu. 2. Laksamana Hang Tuah telah memohon diberi sebilah pedang, sebatang busar anak panah, dan sebuah pelana. 3. Kapal-kapal Ryukyu yang datang berniaga di Melaka semakin bertambah pada tiap-tiap tahun dan sentiasa memberi hadiah kepada raja dan pembesar Melaka. 4. Laksamana Hang Tuah menyatakan rasa hormat dan kepercayaanya yang tidak akan berubah terhadap raja Ryukyu. Melalui surat ini menunjukkan bahawa perdagangan yang dijalankan oleh Melaka-Ryukyu berjalan dalam keadaan yang baik. Source :

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Blogger Buzz: Show off your favorite blogs with a Blog List

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Melaka - A continuity of Sri Vijaya

i subscribe to the fact that Sri Vijaya was more prominent/greater as malay kingdom/empire than Melaka. In fact Melaka is just a continuity of Sri Vijaya kingdom or can be said as the new capital of Sri Vijaya replacing Palembang that was weakened, under threatened and overshadowed by the rising of Majapahit in 14th ad. In her golden period, more than 7 centuries of lordship in nusantara, Sri Vijaya was far greater, supreme, stronger, richer than Melaka empire, which Sri Vijaya, a malay-buddhist kingdom, encompassed most of the area in south east asia ,except part of java ruled under hindhu dynasties,all states in sumatera suvarnadvipa, malay peninsular (hujung tanah)suvarnabhumi, borneo island, south philipines, sulawesi, malay and spice archipelago like maluku,Where all this states were enjoying united under a well structured administration of Sri Vijayan emperor for many centuries, from 7th to 13th century, which then gradually weakened by internal conflicts, politics, rebellion, and external threats from south india (the Chola kingdom/raja suran), siam (threating areas in the peninsular)and then overthrown by uprising Majapahit kingdom/empire who take over control on south east asian from sri vijaya in 13th & 14th century. Majapahit had gained confidence and motivation from their success in defeating and throw out Kublai Khan Monggol army sent to nusantara. from that point highly spirit Majapahit become the victor expand and took control of south east asia (a lucrative trading path/route for east & west incl. selat melaka, selat riau and selat sunda) from the weakened Sri Vijaya. Majapahit held the lordship in SEA for about 2 centuries (13th & 14th century) until the last descendents/prince of SriVijaya royalty Adityavarman and Parameswara decided to abandoned city of Palembang which is no more safe and suit as a capital being attacked for many times. Adiyavarman royal lineage remains in Sumatera with a new capital and kingdom in minangkabau west sumatera (Pagaruyung), and Parameswara with his royal lineage and loyalties then seek fortune as sea nomadic king, for years, around Riau & Temasik archipelago, moving from a place to another place carrying his households and regalias of SriVijaya years by years. Until he bcomes old, finally he founded Melaka and reestablish the kingdom with the supports of the loyal followers from the ramaining royalties, noblemen, sea people as the guardian/army from small kingdoms of malay islands/archipelago like bentan, riau, temasik, lingga, buru, siantan and with some supports from the malay-bugis clan/tribe who were the sea merceneries and spice traders. And from newly found Melaka, Parameswara had reestablished the old sri vijayan customs, ranks,administration, protocols, laws, agreements and trades back. In Sulalatus Salatin, it were always written quotations like," ...just like the rules and customs of the old kingdom" which refers to Sri Vijayan rules & customs. With lessons and experience learned from fugitive years, quickly Parameswara build the port of Melaka structuredly with facilities and settlements for trading, to reglorify sri vijayan. with loyal support of sea peoples, Melaka had gained security & defence around trading sea routes of Selat riau and selat melaka to protect and safe trading for all ships and traders passing through the seas around malay archipelago/islands and straits. Friendship with Ming Dynasty has contributed to booming trade in Melaka where China has become friend and protector to the Melaka Kingdom from Siam threats. All chinese ships enjoyed peace, safe trading and protection throughout the malay archipelago and straits, free of pirates, under a good friendships and exchange of envoys/missions of Melaka and the Ming Dynasty. So many documents tell us about diplomatic envoys, royal visits and missions within these two nations. enjoyed peace, safe trading and protection throughout the malay archipelago and straits, free of pirates, under a good friendships and exchange of envoys/missions of Melaka and the Ming Dynasty. So many documents tell us about diplomatic envoys, royal visits and missions within these two nations. Trading from east and west exchanging their trades, barter trade and fortunes in Melaka as a meeting place and emporium to the east asian, where all goods, commodity, golds and trades are in Melaka. Not only China, the Japan, from the Ryukyu kingdom was also established trading ties with Melaka as evidence from some documents and findings in ancient Ryukyu kingdom of south Japan. In this era that last only for a century,(15th ce) asians had enjoyed a prosperous trading port with customs, profitting each others, the malays, the chinese, the indians, the arabs,the persians, some caucusians and the africans all have their parts and roles gaining wealth without envy under the administrative trading laws & regulations of Melaka that was written for fair trade for all races, where taxation, weights, shipping, cargoes and lots on deck were insured, shares,offences,fines, punishment, religion and protocols were clearly defined in the Canon Laws of Melaka (Hukum Kanun Melaka, like modern days' act & regulatories), and Maritime Laws of Melaka (Undang-undang Laut Melaka). It was evidenced that about 84 different languages spoken or can be heard on the streets of the city of Melaka. That indicates how cosmopolitan multi racial population can live and doing business in one place under a proper and fair administrative system of Melaka. Until a weak ruler come to the throne, at the peak of its era, Sultan Mahmud Shah, the last sultan of melaka, then it is time of treachery, bribery, complacent and arrogant the malay kingdom had ever been. In the last of its days, the Melaka sultanate was full with turbulence, slandering and conspiracy, and the noblemen and king were ill advised by corrupted officials bribed by competing wealthy greedy merchants like raja medeliar, si kitol and naina chatu that has contributed to the falls of melaka from within. At port, foreign traders started to be restless with the corrupted systems and make them disheartened with the current king of melaka administive style. The coming of Portuguese was at the right time when Melaka was already weakened from within and foreign traders have no more respect to the king of Melaka at that time, of his arrogance, ill advised and spoiled. After that, the malays have to suffer from continuous attacks from outside for hundred years. But God saves the sultans and noblemen bloodlines, for them still remain until today but not with the absolute former great kingdom and lordships but with small states throughout south east asian nowadays like current small states sultanate of Perak, Kedah, Selangor, Brunei, Johor, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan and Perlis, and some still respected royal house like in mataram keraton and the bugis lords around riau archipelago, maybe, for their contributions in receiving and establishing peacefully Islam from the palace to the people and the followers throughout the nusantara. And now we are enjoying as the muslim countries in the south east asian as Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei as well as the south Filipina and Thailand and Kemboja.

Sri Vijaya & Melaka

Svasti.cri cakavarsatita 606 dim dvitiya cuklapaksa vulan caitra.sana tatkalana parlak Criksetra ini.niparvuat parvan dapunta hyang Cri Yayanaca (-ga) ini pranidhanan dapunta hyang savanakna yang nitanam di sini.niyur pinang hanau rumviya dngan samicrana yang kayu nimakan vuahna.tathapi haur vuluh pattung ityevamadi.punarapi yang varlak verkan dngan savad tlaga savanakna yang vualtku sucarita paravis prayojanakan punyana sarvvasatva sacaracara.varopayana tmu sukha di asannakala di antara margga lai.tmu muah ya ahara dngan air niminumna.savanakna vuatna huma parlak mancak muah ya manghidupi pacu prakara.marhulun tuvi vrddhi muah ya jangam ya niknai savanakna yang upasargga.pidana svapnavighna.varang vuatana kathamapi.anukula yang graha naksatra pravis diya.Nirvyadhi ajara kavuatanana.tathapi savanakna yam khrtyana satyarjjava drdhabhakti muah ya dya.yang mitrana tuvi janan ya kapata yang vivina mulang anukala bharyya muah ya.varamsthanana lagi curi ucca vadhana paradara di sana punarapi tmu ya kalyanamitra. marvvangun vodhicitta dngan maitridhari di dang hyang ratnaraya jangan marsarak dngan dang hyang ratnaraya.tathapi nityakala tyaga marcila ksanti marvvangun viryya rajin tahu di samicrana cilpakala paravis.samahitacinta.tmu ya prajna smrti medhavi.punarapi dhairyyamani mahasattva vajracarira.anubamacakti.jaya tathapi jatismara.avikalendriya.mancak rupa.subjaga hasin halap.ade yavakya vrahmasvara.jadi laki.svayambtu.puna (ra) pi tmu ya cintamaninidhana tmu janmavacita. karmmavacita clecavacitaavasana tmu ya anuttarabhisamyaksam vodhi. Bahasa Melayu Kuno yang dapat kita kesan daripada batu bersurat di atas di antara lain ialah: vulan = bulan tatkalana = tatkalanya nivarbuat = diperbuat savanakna = sebanyaknya nitanam = ditanam niyur = nyiur hanau = enau rumvia = rumbia dngan = dengan nimakan = dimakan vuahna = buahnya tathapi = tetapi haur = aur vuluh = buluh pattung = betung tlaga = telaga punyana = punyanya tmu = temu, bertemu margga = marga sukha = suka niminumna = diminumnya savanakna = sebanyaknya, sebanyak-banyaknya vuatna = buatnya manghidupi = menghidupi prakara = perkara varang = barang vuatana = buatannya marvvangun = membangun Harun Aminurrashid mengutip terjemahan Slametmuljana berkenaan dengan bahasa yang terdapat pada Batu Bersurat Talang Tuwo tersebut adalah seperti yang berikut ini: Bahagia! Tahun Saka 606 pada hari kedua bulan terang caitra, itulah waktunya taman Sriksetra ini diperbuat, milik Dapunta Hyang Sri Jayanaga. Ini Pesan Dapunta Hyang: Semuanya yang ditanam di sini; nyiur, pinang, enau, rumbia dan lain-lain yang (berupa) pohon, dimakan buahnya, serta aur, buluh betung dan yang semacam itu. Demikian pula taman-taman lainnya dengan tebat telaga, semuanya yang kuperbuat, semua perbuatan baik, dimaksud untuk kebahagiaan semua makhluk yang bergerak dan tidak bergerak. Hendaklah daya upaya beliau yang sangat baik itu mendapat kesukaan di kemudian hari dengan jalan lain. Semoga beliau mendapatlah makanan dan air untuk minumnya. Semuanya yang dibuatnya; ladang, kebun luas, menghidupi binatang-binatang, ramai para abdi suburlah. Jauhkanlah beliau dari segala bencana, siksaan dan penyakit tidak dapat tidur. Bagaimanapun barang usahanya hendaknya berhasil baik, binatang-binatang lengkap semua, beliau dari sakit, dibuat awet muda. Dan lagi hendaklah semua yang disebut abdi setia baktilah mereka pada beliau. Yang menjadi sahabat beliau janganlah mereka itu menderhaka pada beliau; yang menjadi bini beliau hendaklah tetap setia sebagai isteri pada beliau. Di manapun beliau berada, janganlah dilakukan curi, curang, bunuh dan zina di situ. Dan lagi, hendaklah beliau bertemu dengan khalyanamitra, membangun bodhichita dengan maitri, menjadi pertapa pada dang hyang Ratnatraya, melainkan sentiasa teguh bersila dengan senang membangun tenaga, keuliten, pengetahuan tentang perbezaan semua sipakala dan pemusatan fikiran. Mudah-mudahan beliau memperoleh pengetahuan, ingatan dan kecerdasan dan lagi ketetapan mahasatwa badan manikam vajracarira yang sakti tanpa upama, kemenangan, dan lagi ingatan kepada kelahiran yang sudah lampau, indria lengkap, rupa penuh, kebahagiaan, kegembiraan, ketenangan, kata manis, suara Brahma, jadi lelaki kerana kekuatannya sendiri, hendaklah beliau memperoleh cintamaninidhara, memperoleh janmawacita, karmmawacita, akhirnya beliau mendapat anuttarabisamyaksambodhi.


Sometimes there are some people who like to do the things that they dont want to do.