Monday, June 22, 2009

Kedatangan Pengaruh Bugis di tanah Semenanjung dan kepulauan Melayu - Bahagian 2

Saturday, May 30, 2009 Dari Dinasti Kesultanan Melaka, pemerintahan kerajaan Johor-Riau beralih kepada Dinasti Bendahara. Sultan Mahmud II yg mangkat dibunuh, pada tahun 1699, terlalu muda, 24 tahun, dan tidak mempunyai anak. Dikatakan baginda tidak mau bersama tidur dengan permaisuri dan isteri2nya yg ada. Dikatakan baginda mpunyai perangai yg pelik dan percaya bahawa dia hanya layak untuk bersama dengan perempuan bangsa kayangan ataupun peri, iaitu sebenarnya kaum bunian. Banyak catatan tentang keburukan sikap baginda yg akhirnya menyebabkan pupusnya pemerintahan kesultanan yg berasal dari Melaka di Johor-Riau. Ketika itu Bendahara Johor-Riau adalah Tun Abdul Jalil ibni Bendahara Tun Habib Abdul Majid yang anakanda-anakandanya dan keturunannya memerintah di Terengganu (sehingga sekarang) dan Pahang (sehingga sekarang). Bendahara Tun Abdul Jalil kemudian mengambilalih tampuk pemerintahan dengan menjadi Sultan Abdul Jalil Riayat Syah.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kedatangan Pengaruh Bugis di tanah Semenanjung dan kepulauan Melayu

Bugis adalah salah satu dari suku kaum Melayu, yang mana, suku kaum Melayu yg lain adalah seperti Minangkabau, Banjar, Jawa, Melayu Patani, Mandahiling, Acheh, Brunei, Moro, Orang Laut, Melayu Champa(Kemboja), Rawa, Kerinchi dan byk lagi. Asal orang Bugis adalah dari Sulawesi, lebih tepat lagi Selatan Sulawesi yg merangkumi negeri2 kecil seperti states like Luwuk, Bone, Wajo, Soppeng and Gowa/Makassar/Mengkasar. Sekitar tahun 1669 masehi, setelah berperang dengan sengitnya di laut dan di darat, kerajaan utama dan terbesar di Selatan Sulawesi iaitu kerajaan Gowa Makasar yg berpusat di kota Ujung Pandang (juga dikenali kota Makasar), akhirnya terpaksa menerima residen Belanda dan menandatangani perjanjian damai yg juga mengaku kalah dengan pihak VOC Belanda yg juga dibantu oleh angkatan tentera dari kerajaan2 yg bermusuh dgn kerajaan Gowa Makasar seperti Bone, Madura dan Jatelah wa. Terdapat beberapa lagi kerajaan Bugis di Selatan Sulawesi yg membentuk negeri masing2 dan kerajaan yg tertua sekali di kalangan mereka ialah Luwu', yg dikatakan kerajaan yg asal sebelum wujud kerajan2 lain. Pada tahun 1699 pula, berlaku tragedi dan kegawatan yg sangat besar ke atas empayar Melayu yg tertua iaitu kerajaan Johor-Riau, waris kepada empayar Melaka yg berasal dari kerajaan Sri Vijaya yg menguasai Selat Melaka dan Laut China Selatan selama 1000 tahun. Sultan Mahmud kedua telah dibunuh oleh pembesar nya semasa di atas usungan. Sultan Mahmud kedua adalah waris terakhir kerajaan Johor Riau yg dari salasilah Melaka dan Sri Vijaya. Terdapat juga waris kerajan Melaka tetapi memerintah di negeri Perak yg berasal dari Sultan Muzaffar Shah anak kepada Sultan Mahmud Melaka dari isteri Tun Teja. Manakala yg menyambung pemerintahan Johor Riau pula adalah dari waris Sultan Alaudin anak Sultan Mahmud Melaka dari isterinya Tun Fatimah. Sultan Mahmud kedua tidak mempunyai waris ini kerana baginda mangkat dibunuh di usia yg muda 24 tahun dan mempunyai perangai yg sangat pelik dan teruk, di mana dikatakan baginda tidak mahu bergaul dengan isteri-isterinya kononnya baginda hanya layak bergaul dengan isteri dari kaum bunian yg bukan manusia. Terdapat banyak rekod dari catatan tempatan dan juga orang Eropah yg pernah berjumpa baginda yg menunjukkan sikap zalim dan pelik sehingga ketahap tidak layak untuk menjadi raja lagi jika mengikut undang-undangraja-raja Melayu yg menuntut seorang raja Melayu perlulah waras dan mematuhi waadat perjanjian Sang Sapurba-Demang Lebar Daun (perjanjian antara raja dan hamba rakyat yg dipersetujui semasa kerajaan Sri Vijaya Palembang lagi iaitu seorang Raja Melayu tidak akan mengaibkan hamba rakyatnya walau besar mana dosanya, hanya perlu dijatuhkan hukuman mengikut kesalahannya tetapi tidak dimalukan, dan disebelah rakyat pula hendaklah taat setia tidak derhaka kepada rajanya walau besar mana dosanya), di dalam kes Sultan Mahmud Kedua ini, baginda telah mencabul perjanjian ini dengan memberi aib dan kejam dengan menhukum belah perut seorang perempuan yg mengandung yg merupakan isteri kepada Laksamananya hanya kerana perempuan itu telah memakan nangka raja kerana mengidam. Akibat kejadian yg amat aib dan kejam ini perempuan itu telah dipotong perut nya yg sedang bunting untuk memuaskan kehendak baginda yg mahu melihat betulkah anak kandungan itu yg hendak memakan nangka itu. Setelah kejadian itu, maka hilanglah kesetian di sebelah pembesar yg mewakili rakyat, di mana para pembesar dari Bendahara hingga ke Laksamana memutuskan untuk menamatkan riwayat raja ini. Maka huru-haralah kerajaan Melayu Johor Riau tidak mempunyai tuan lagi, tampuk pemerintahan telah berpindah ketangan dinasti Bendahara pula. Mengikut undang-undang raja Melayu jika Sultan sudah tiada lagi dan tiada waris maka Bendahara lah yg layak untuk menggantikannya. -bersambung-

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mengajar Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris - Why NOT ???

(sent and posted on chedet blog as follows)

By fairuzstone on March 11, 2009 5:28 AM

Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun dan pembaca semua,
Saya hanya menggeleng kepala melihat gelagat mereka yg menentang apa yg dirujuk sebagai PPSMI. Sampai begitu sekali mereka berdemonstrasi bagaikan menentang musuh. Keadaan menjadi semakin haru bila para hipokrit dan opportunis/pengambilkesempatan dari pelbagai parti politik pun turut tumpang tui sekali.

Pada asalnya saya tidak mahulah mengulas isu ini takut nanti akan ada kecenderungan untuk salah tafsir tetapi nampak gayanya masih ramai tidak dapat menghalusi matlamat utamanya. Saya amat berkeyakinan BUKANlah MAKSUD sebenar Tun Dr Mahathir yg melaksanakannya untuk MEMPERTIDAKKAN atau MEMPERLEKEHKAN bahasa ibundanya apatah lagi untuk memperagungkan bahasa penjajah. Amat DANGKAL andaian itu, siapakah yg betul2 berani bersuara menegur amalan dwi-standard negara barat atau juga ada yg menggelar 'western hypocracy' terutama dalam hal perdagangan bebas, liberalisasi, kawalan dagang, hak asasi manusia, campurtangan asing dan pendemokrasian tidak berpilih, secara konsisten beliau bersuara bukan di gelanggang sendiri tetapi di gelanggang dunia, bukan sperti kebanyakan kita yg hanya jaguh kampung sembang deras di kedai kopi sahaja tapi tidak berani ke luar, beliau bercakap di rostrum Perhimpunan Agung PBB (UN General Assembly)sebagaimana diwarisi oleh HUgo Chavez dan Ahmadinejad, beliau bersuara di sidang APEC, WEF, NAM, CHOGM, South-South, dan apa saja termasuklah ketika sessi soal jawab dan temuramah dgn CNN & BBC yg wartawannya telah bersedia rapi dgn soalan2 yg menjurus ke arah agenda mereka (Leading questions).
Saya percaya bahawa melaksanakan PPSMI adalah perlu sebagai antara strategi untuk mencapai MATLAMAT kita menjadi bangsa yg benar2 maju dan mampu menghasilkan tamadun baru.
Ia dibuat dengan bersebab!!! Bukan suka-suka.

Cuba fikir, mengapa hanya 2 subjek sahaja ????? Iaitu Sains dan Matematik saja.
Mengapa tidak semua subjek di'inggeris'kan???????? kalau betullah niat Tun dan menterinya ketika itu hendak mengagungkan bahasa asing dan mempertidakkan keupayaan bahasa Melayu.

Ini kerana -

1. Kita hanya ada 11 tahun lagi untuk mencapai matlamat kita menjadi bangsa yg maju dan mengungguli tamadun menhjelang 2020. Kita jangan terikut bangsa lain yg selesa dgn apa yg mereka ada, asal cukup makan dapat hidup cukup. Kita tak boleh BERTATIH lagi sebagaimana generasi kita sekarang, generasi anak2 kita yg boleh dibentuk itu perlu mampu BERLARI untuk mencapai sasaran dengan cepat sebagai mana semangat orang German "Vorsprung Durch Technik!!" di mana mereka sudah sampai dahulu dengan teknik dan teknologi yg maju.

Kita jangan mudah saja mentakrif untuk menjadi bangsa maju dengan hanya dengan kekayaan kita membeli barang orang, menjadi pengguna teknologi orang saja, dengan mempunyai infrastruktur termoden dengan bangunan tinggi sahaja dan kaya ekonomi saja. Itu tafsiran separuh jalan saja. Sedang kita masih lagi bertaraf BANGSA PENGGUNA saja di zaman sekarang ini.

Kita perlu sekurang-kurangnya menerokai penghasilan teknologi baru atau tamadun baru yg boleh digunakan oleh masyarakat dunia dan dikomersilkan secara massa di peringkat dunia seperti orang Yunani/Greek menyumbang teori dan falsafah politik, kenegaraan, hukum alam dan bintang, sejarah, orang Cina memperkenalkan kertas & bahan letupan, orang India dengan falsafah hidup dan perubatan awal, orang Arab menggabungkan ilmu perubatan Greek dan India untuk menjadi ilmu perubatan yg universal menjadi asas kepada ilmu perubatan moden dari barat pula,orang Arab juga telah berjaya menyelesaikan masalah matematik yg tidak dapat dieselesaikan oleh ilmuwan Greek sebelum itu dengan sistem nombor yg lebih banyak, algebra, algoritma dan persamaan. Tapi sebelum itu mereka pun kena belajar matematik kuno Greek dalam bahasa Greek (bukan yg diterjemahkan ya!!) ini kerana mereka hendak menguasai (mastering) ilmu tersebut yg ditulis dengan bahasa penciptanya mengikut konteks bangsa itu, maka Ibnu Sina ke, Al Khawarizmi ke, Ibnu Rashid ke dan sesiapa saja terlebih dahulu mempelajari/mengkaji ilmu asas/kuno dalam bahasa Greek dan kemudian bila mereka berjaya menghasilkan kaedah atau rumusan baru yg dapat menyelesaikan atau mengatasi ilmu yg asal itu barulah mereka menulis penghasilan baru mereka di dalam kitab dengan bahasa sendiri yakni bahasa Arab atau pun Farsi. Kemudian apabila orang Eropah telah mula celik dari kegelapan (rennaisance from dark ages) mereka pun datang menuntut ilmu perubatan, matematik, sains, astronomi dan kejuruteraan awal dari orang-orang Islam dalam bahasa Arab.

Kalau nak tunggu semua kitab2 tibb dan lain2 ilmu dari dunia Arab yg beribu2 dulu diterjemahkan dulu yg memakan masa bertahun2 kemudian diajarkan pula dalam bahasa sendiri dan kemudian bila ada permasalahan atau bila ada buku rujukan baru dari bahasa Arab terpaksalah panggil balik penterjemah untuk tolong terjemahkan l;agi, alamat lambatlah bangsa Eropah nak jadi maju seperti sekarang ni. Mereka pun datang belajar ilmu asas dalam bahasa Arab dahulu, bila sudah "master" baru mereka mencambahkan ilmu itu dan ditulis dalam bahasa Eropah pula.

Amerika pun nak mencedok teknologi German kena belajar dalam bahasa German , nasib baik ramai saintis yahudi German berhijrah ke Amerika maka dapatlah Amerika ilmu segera.

2. Menyedari perkara ini, dizaman sekarang buku2 rujukan terkini tentang teknologi2 yang canggih ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris kerana ini zaman mereka yg menguasai tamadun. Penemuan teknologi baru dan penerbitan buku2 baru yg ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris sangat pantas, setiap jam ada saja penerbitan baru tak kiralah dalam bentuk buku atau jurnal atau risalah atau artikel atau internet pun. Kita jgn menyombong bodoh kan diri. Orang inggeris pun masa hendak mengecek ilmu dari orang Arab sanggup buang sombong mereka dulu dan belajar.

Maka eloklah anak2 kita yg akan kita harapkan menjadi peneroka atau penghasil teknologi2 baru atau ilmu ketamadunan baru yg belum direka orang lain belajar dahulu ilmu sains dan matematik dalam bahasa mereka dulu supaya mereka dengan mudah diberi apa buku pun mereka sudah biasa dengan istilah2/terminologi atau namakhas2 yg berasal dari bahasa inggeris dengan laju dan cepat. Kita tak boleh membuang masa sangat, berlengah-lengah. Yang berpusisi dan bersyair pun ada tempatnya tetap kita martabatkan, begitu juga yg hendak menggali ilmu teknologi baru biarlah mereka mahir dalam ilmu itu dan menguasainya betul2 dalam konteks penghasil ilmu itu. Kemudian jika mereka hendak menulis atau merekod penghasilan baru mereka bolehlah ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu kita pula. Di waktu itulah baru berduyun2 orang dari segenap penjuru alam datang dengan rela hati belajar ilmu baru dalam bahasa Melayu jika mereka hendak menguasai teknologi baru yg orang kita sendiri hasilkan.

Barulah bahasa kita akan kembali menjadi Lingua Franca seperti di zaman2 sebelum abad ke 16 dahulu di mana sesiapa yg hendak berdagang di peringkat global disebelah timur kena tahu bahasa Melayu dari Filipina ke Papua ke Fiji merentas lautan sampai ke Sri Lanka, India Selatan dan Madagscar bahasa Melayu digunapakai jika dua bangsa berlainan hendak berkomunikasi. Kenapa ?? Adakah mana2 badan yg memaksa mereka berbahasa Melayu??? Tiada, tetapi mereka sendiri yg memilih kerana merasai ia perlu, ini disebabkan kan orang2 Melayu dulu kala (bukan Melayu sekarang ya!!) yakni dari zaman Sri Vijaya dan Melaka telah menguasai perdagangan antarabangsa di mana emaapyar bangsa Melayu dahulukala telah menyeragamkan (standardization) sistem pentadbiran dan pengurusan dagang santeri yang juga melibatkan perdagangan asing dengan sistem cukai teratur, pengurusan pelabuhan, sistem timbang dan sukat, perundangan sehinggakan undang2 atas kapal dagang pun diseragamkan seperti bidang kuasa nakhoda, bidang kuasa juru malim, hukum dan denda sebarang kesalahan atas kapal, pembahagian petak atau lot2 barang dagangan, pembahagian untung antara pemodal dengan agennya yg akan mengikut barang dagang ke tempat asing.

Sekurang2nya pada zaman tiadanya telefon, TV, radio dan suratkhabar dulu, seluruh Asia Tenggara menggunapakai atau merujuk kepada dokumen Undang-Undang Laut Melaka dan Hukum Kanun Melaka. Kalau ke Maluku atau ke Sulawesi pun jika berlaku pertikaian maka perbicaraan dan penjatuhan hukum adalah sama dengan yg dilaksanakan di Melaka atau di Acheh atau di Kedah.

Maka dengan itu layaklah bahasa Melayu ketika zaman itu menjadi bahasa perlu oleh pelbagai bangsa iaitu Lingua Franca.
Tapi sekarang apakah penghasilan kita???????? maka perlulah kita berakit2 ke hulu, berenang2 ketepian, bersakit2 dahulu dengan belajar Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris, bersenang2 kemudian jika bila kita dah menguasainya dan menghasilkan penemuan baru pula.

takkan baru susah sikit dah nak mengeluh teriak, susahlah kita nak mencapai matlamat.
Hang Tuah pasal tahu banyak bahasalah dia dapat menjadi handal dan popular pasal banyak ilmu dari pelbagai bangsa dia dapat belajar, takkanlah kalau dia nak belajar ilmu samurai dia kena paksa guru samurai tu belajar bahasa Melayu dan ajar dia dalam bahasa Melayu, tak patutlah macam tu bang. Tak hilang pun Melayu Hang Tuah bahkan lagi hebat lagi dia boleh redah mana2 tempat asing.

Penakluk ibukota empayar Bizantium Rom iaitu Sultan Mehmet dari Bani Othmaniah/Ottoman menguasai 7 bahasa antarnya Turkish, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian dan Latin menjelang umurnya 21 tahun ketika menewaskan Constantinople. Tak hilang pun bisa dia dan jatidiri Muslim Turki beliau bahkan satu Eropah kenal beliau.

Fairuz Kamarulzaman

Dinar Emas & Real wealth

(this articles sent and posted on the chedet blog as follows)
By fairuzstone on March 2, 2009 4:55 AM
Assalamualaikum to YABhg Tun and all

Many thanks for sharing some insights of what is happening now on the global economics.. It's really terrifying. Just like waiting "what is next?" another another suicides, another new names, another terms, another schemes and so forth. The money and funds traders, speculators and brokers are so powerful more than able to bring down a government, but half of the world would suffer for all their doings.
Now it starts to hit them back again and again but will they learn how to become responsible manager rather than manipulator???

Fiscal policy is important part of actual economics. Through a fiscal policy then we can see how good or effective such a government decision is, creation of jobs, distribution of wealths and flow of money in the market.
The true and physical trading is where we can see how goods are moving from hands to hands, actual cash is there and markets determined by supply and demand. However, these people trade money for money which is not good at all. Just papers. No goods been traded. These greedy lust manipulators gained profits from elasticity of money values, the difference that they expected from up and down of the currency values and it is just similar to gambling.
That is why the real money is Gold. A tangible value. Wealth and banknotes/money shall be measured against gold, not against paper. Gold cannot be manipulated because it has real value unlike paper which merely artificial value. Gold values are hardly depreciated as time moves. Thus tendency of people becomes poorer due to depreciation of cash in hand as a result of currency values going up & down by speculations can be prevented. This will ensure prosperity to be enjoyed by general public at large, instead of making them as victims of these few money traders.

When Tun Dr Mahathir proposed to muslim countries leaders as well as to the world to use back gold as currency to be used in international trades, to be used in the martket for business transactions, and for sell & purchase of goods or services as the mean to counter or to subtitute our dependency on US Dollars/greenback in economics, he was IGNORED. This include Tun's successor, i.e. DS Abdullah Badawi, who supposed to continue this proposal by implementing this when he took office as PM, BUT Tun's successor, a grandson of a prominent Ulamak, himself had abandoned this proposal fearing it will affect his image re-branding attempts to the Malaysian people to potray him as "different from Mahathir". During early years after taking over PM office when all Mahathir's policies, planning and projects had been re-branded, some been cancelled, some been put on-hold & some been modified just to show to the public that his new administration is cleaner than before, projecting himself as do not want to 'waste money' on 'mega projects' which later on were proven as merely cosmetic and worst he obviously so quick spending government money for other things that not give benefit to the country except to his family and people who is in his family's favour.

Dependencies on USD in inter countries trading are just encourage greedy people in the world financial instruments to continue abuse their finance technical know-how on and on to the extent they could use it to attack any non-ally countries who do not conform to their agenda or policies, where they will be punished by devaluating their currencies vs USD, to make the people in the target country poorer and then create unrest in the country, and then through some local leaders, normally the oppositions or anti-establisments groups who are willing to become ally to them, the so-called 'regime change' will be initiated to make demand to bring down the existing government by ochestrated propaganda where public will be tuned to blame the economic downturn on their government with such allegations the like mismanagement, cronysme, nepotisme, irregularities, corruptions, dictator, scandals and many more politically financial jargons will be heard. We can witness all these from what had happened to Suharto, Zimbabwe and our country also was nearly fallen to this trap when DS Anwar Ibrahim so confident with his back-up and supports given by the USA to install him as Malaysian Prime Minister as a reward for his willingness to cooperate with financial intruments under US control like IMF and Worl Bank to allow Malaysian financial mechanism been adjusted and collapse the economy into turmoil. This is to press Tun Mahathir, who was so vocal towards US and Israel policies, to step down for being responsible on allegedly as the cause to the economic downturn with the support from the media in promoting the words cronysme and nepotisme. However the real cause was ignored.
With God's help, Tun Dr Mahathir and his economic advisers/strategist had successfully brought the country out of the turmoil

faster than what were forecasted by using unorthodox financial control measures, against all odds. The culprit i.e. DSAI lastly caught red-handed. In the beginning, many condemnations received from international financial "experts", and many groups in this country, due to their inferiority complex when facing the "experts", were also joined with the international financial experts laughing at Tun Dr Mahathir's prescriptions.

However, in duetime, as we can witness now, the truth prevails. They lick back their own spit. God wills cannot be denied. This serve as reminder for us not to be greedy and arrogant. We have to use gold as the currency to clean back the economy. When Tun Dr Mahathir proposed the use of gold dinar (DINAR EMAS) to replace dollar (in the year 2003, OIC), the price of 916 gold was around RM45 - RM60 per gram and now at RM80 - RM95 per gram. Is that not enough for value comparison??? How rich we could be now?, double the wealth, right?, if we adopt that gold dinar. Just like what our prophet SAW practice.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

coup d'etat in ancient malay sultanate - part 1

according to sulalatus salatin (the malay annals), a narrative records of Melaka Sultanate, there was a coup d'etat during the early establishment of this kingdom. Sultan Muhammad Syah has many wives. So, the wife of royal blood has priority of her son to become heir of the throne. however when Sultan Muhammad Syah died, the heir of royal blood was still a minor, around 5 - 7 years of age, which obviously had no interest about ruling a kingdom or a government. At the same time, the late sultan has another elder son but not of royal blood wife, that was Raja Kassim. The minor heir was installed as new king of Melaka as Parameswara Dewa Syah. His mother was Puteri Raja Rokan (Rokan was one of vassal state of Melaka). Since he was still a minor knowing nothing about the affairs of state administration, trading and protocols except playing with his peers and servants. Things became worst when the Raja of Rokan, father to Puteri Rokan as well as king's grandfather, take opportunity of his status as grandfather to become like an acting king of Melaka since the minor king was always in his arms (didokong) wherever the king was is there would be Raja Rokan. The elder son of former king of another wife was Raja Kassim. His mother was of noblewoman with tamil muslim blood as her father was Dato' Mani Purindan a richman who claimed he's a royal blood from India who not been chosen to become king there and seek fortune in Melaka with all his households and followers and paid homage and loyalty to KIng of Melaka and become the King's subjects forever with all his households and followers, he came from southern india to Melaka and pledge loyalty to the King of Melaka and all his descendents will adopt all the customs, language and laws of Melaka forever. Since Raja Kassim, eventhough he is older than the minor king, well-learned, sound knowledge of state's affairs and administrative and protocols, was not given the right to become King of Melaka and so he brought himself to live as ordinary people at port of Melaka, stay in his common people relatives and worked at port just like other commoners. At the court Melaka, the minor king was just like a puppet and the real ruler was Raja Rokan his grandfather who sits on the throne with the king in his arms in the 'balai penghadapan' and 'balai rong seri'. Gradually these situations had caused some restless among the ministers, the officers and the knights who slowly realized that they were ruled by an acting king of a vassal state of Melaka, a tributary state it was. They all were in the state of dilemma.

There is only One God, He is neither beget nor begotten

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh, Salam sejahtera kepada semua, Shalom eleikhem to our brethren too....peace be upon us who who bear witness there is no other God than God himself, the One, Ahad, "I Am Who I Am", Allah Azza wa Jalla, He the only One, the same God who created Adam pbuh and Eve, the same God who sends Noah pbuh, the same God who sends Abraham pbuh to become the father of many great nations and father to many great prophets of the same religion from the sky that is called "agama samawi" or semite thru Ishmael pbuh and thru Isaac/Ishak pbuh who then from their blood and descendents come so many prophets of the jews and of arabs by God willings and of any nations because only Him Who Knows All and Created All.

Through Isaac pbuh then come Yaacob/Jacob pbuh and Jacob pbuh had 12 sons who then generate the 12 tribes of son of Israel/Yisrael another name given to Jacob pbuh. From this bloodlines, whom God has sent so many great prophets who teach man to worship only One God, the Creator, the Almighty. They were Joseph (Yusof), Moses (Musa), Aaron (Harun), David (Daud), Solomon (Sulaiman), Ezekiel (Zulfifli), Elijah (Alias), Elisha(Iliyasak), Zachariah(Zakaria), Jonah (Yunus), John the baptist (Yahaya) and Jesus Christ (Isa al Masih) peace be upon them, who were sent by God as His Messengers and Prophets.
Through Ishmael pbuh, he was sent to a far desert from his homeland Kana'an in Palestine , by God command and God knows He wants and what is good for His creatures. The desert now is Mekah where there's Kaabah the Baitullah, a place where God has chosen to be blessed where the Last Prophet was to be born , descendent of prophet Abraham pbuh through his son, who was forgotten by many, Ishmael pbuh, a prophet to accomplish God's revelations, the true teachings from God, to correct what were been misinterpreted, to correct the false beliefs, to correct and verify the holy books and teachings that some had been manipulated, erased, exagerrated, modified, etcetera etcetera.... by the fake rabbis and followers who were so possessive to his own interests or racism of nationhood that only children of Israel as the chosen people and also by fake apostle like Paul who never met Jesus pbuh when Jesus was on earth and then after the disappearance of Jesus pbuh who was replaced by his traitor Judas Iscariot by God wills who can change the vision and the face of a person to be look a like Jesus that he tried to betray and then that body of Judas Iscariot was the one been crucified by the Romans soldiers on the cross.
Come back to that fake apostle, Paul, who then claimed that on one journey he saw the image of Jesus asking him to become apostle and then that Paul with that story learned from the actual 12 apostles and followed them and learned until he got the idea to alter gospels that he got from the 12 apostles and he modified some of the verses to make people confuse and then brought to the western side of rome empire and teach the pagan romans, pagan greeks and some pagan europeans a new religion that he claimed he got from prohet Jesus Christ pbuh but with some additional doctrines that were trinity, by idolizing the prophet as 'son of god' (God forbids) to the people in the Roman empire and Europe. He manipulated the facts that Jesus has no father and miracles given by God permission were the evidence that what he claimed Jesus is son of god, who can heal the disease, can live the dead, and many other miracles (mukjizat) to become as Jesus himself part of god or whatsoever and then with story that god come the earth in the form of Jesus to redeem all human sins on the cross as sacrifice, or he sends his only son to earth to be sacrificed to redeem human sins and all the make-up stories that confused so many people inthe world with a new secondhanded religion called Roman Catholic.
That is why God sends the final prophet who then will tell the truths, the true stories of Jesus Christ pbuh, as well as other great prophets from the beginning, from all races, and many also great prophets from his brethren that is Israel, were also been told and verified by the final prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW/Peace be upon him, to tell the good news to all believers without any discrimination, no such chosen people, but only God fearing people from any family, any race, any tribe, any nation, is blessed by God as long as the man is fear of God, the man follows, observes and practices what is commanded by God and avoids what God has forbidden. The teachings that all humans are equal only what makes them difference were their beliefs, their practices and their hearts that trust there is only one God that is Allah and Muhammad SAW is His Messenger, the last messenger. and fear God.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Good News! Putin Sends His Fleet To Caribbean

Ya betul…. Sokong any nation but not US & Israel & sekutunya….

-----Original Message-----From: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:uum_ with_hons@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Fairuz Bin Kamarulzaman KamarulzamanSent: Tuesday, 09 September, 2008 10:34 AMTo: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comCc: 3d215@yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: Russia to send ships, planes to Venezuela ; Yeahhh Bring 'em On

kita musti sokon sama itu Vladimir Putin

----- Original Message ----From: Saharudin Mohd Dan To: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tuesday, September 9, 2008 10:27:52 AMSubject: Re: Russia to send ships, planes to Venezuela ; Yeahhh Bring 'em On
cayalah russia.. demi minyak.. US sanggup buat apa sajer..

--- On Mon, 9/8/08, fairuz> wrote:
From: fairuz Subject: Russia to send ships, planes to Venezuela ; Yeahhh Bring 'em OnTo: uum_with_hons@ yahoogroups. com, "gang" <3d215@yahoogroups.>Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 7:07 PM

Russia to send ships, planes to Venezuela

By IAN JAMES, Associated Press Writer Mon Sep 8, 6:35 PM ET
CARACAS, Venezuela - Russia's plan to deploy ships and warplanes to the Caribbean for joint military exercises with Venezuela is allowing President Hugo Chavez to capitalize on tensions between Moscow and the U.S. and showcase a growing military alliance.
Russia announced on Monday that it will send a naval squadron and long-range patrol planes for the exercises later this year — a move that appeared retaliatory after the U.S. sent warships to deliver aid to Georgia following its conflict with Russia.
The deployment is expected to be the largest Russian naval maneuvers in the Caribbean — and perhaps the Western Hemisphere — since the Cold War.
Chavez considers the U.S. a defense threat, and his welcoming of the Russian navy contrasted with his sharp criticism of the recent reactivation of the U.S. Navy's Fourth Fleet for the Caribbean and Latin America. He ridiculed possible U.S. concerns about the Russian deployment on Sunday, saying: "Go ahead and squeal, Yankees."
"This is vintage Chavez. He rarely misses an opportunity to needle and provoke Washington," said Michael Shifter, an analyst at the Washington-based think tank Inter-American Dialogue. "He is taking advantage of the growing chill in U.S.-Russia relations, especially over the situation in Georgia, to poke his finger in (President) Bush's eye. There is nothing he relishes more."
Chavez says the U.S. Fourth Fleet — which was dissolved after World War II — poses a threat to the region. U.S. officials say the fleet will help maintain security while performing humanitarian missions and counter-drug operations.
Anna Gilmour, an analyst at Jane's Intelligence Review, said she believes the exercises will be primarily for the benefit of Venezuela, which has been drawing closer to Russia and buying weapons from Kalashnikov assault rifles to Sukhoi fighter jets. She said the maneuvers also appear to be a response to the relaunch of the U.S. Fourth Fleet.
"By allowing Russian vessels to dock at Venezuelan ports, Chavez is sending the message that the U.S. is not the only major power active in the Caribbean," Gilmour said.
The U.S. government, however, appeared unconcerned.
U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack poked fun at Russia's navy, saying if Russia really intends to send ships to the Caribbean, "then they found a few ships that can make it that far."
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko insisted that Russia's decision to send a naval squadron and planes to Venezuela was made before Russia's war with Georgia and is unrelated to the conflict.
But last week, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned that Russia would mount an unspecified response to recent U.S. aid shipments to Georgia using Navy vessels on the Black Sea.
Shifter said it's clear Russia in "unhappy about the U.S.'s increasing presence in the Black Sea" and "as part of its resurgent nationalism, Russia wants to flex its muscles and remind Washington that it too has important alliances in the U.S. backyard."


Sometimes there are some people who like to do the things that they dont want to do.