Catatan Parsi Tentang Iskandar Zulqarnayn: from kitab Sikandar Nama e Barra (the Book of Iskandar/Alexander, in Malay Hikayat Iskandar Zulkarnain)
Menurut catatan kuno Parsi, memang terdapat beberapa tokoh digelar dZul-Qarnayn (yg Bertanduk Dua)... iaitu Raja Parsi Cyrus Agung 700BC (Zulkarnain the Greater) dan Raja dari Greek yg menyatukan Barat (Greek) dan Timur (Farsi) iaitu Raja Iskandar Agung 300 BC (Zulkaranin the Smaller) maybe merujuk kepada usia Alexander yg terlalu muda sudah menguasai dunia. Org farsi juga mengatakan kedua2 zulkarnain tersebut adalah Mukmin Ortodoks (bergama Tauhid syariat Ibrahim AS)
Munurut catitan agama yahudi , Nabi Daniel AS telah mendapat vision & mimpi mengenai kedua2 tokoh yg digelar the 2 horned/zulkarnain yg pertama Cyrus yg menyatukan Lydia & Media, dan kerjaan tersebut akan diatasi oleh kerjaan yg lebih besar menvcantumkan Timur & Barat iaitu zulkarnain dari greek (Alexander), kedua2nya juga dikatakan sebagai org beriman dan kedua2nya dikatakan mendapat kurniaan dan kekuasaan dari Allah SWT.
Maka kedua2 sumber adalah konsisten. Yg menariknya, catatan Farsi kuno mengatakan Zulkarnain kecil/muda yg membina tembok antara dua gunung di Caucasus untuk menghalang bangsa eropah kuno iaitu Gog n Magog dgn tembok besi + gangsa+tembaga dipanggil Barrier of Alexander (sadd-i-iskandar)
the barrier.
the gate of gates.
the barrier of Sikandar.
sadd-i-ga,júj va ma,júj
the barrier of Gog and Magog.
Darband (ancient Albania), the capital of Daghistan, was a fortress on the western shore of the Caspian Sea, at the foot of the Caucasus, near Shirván. Some remains of the thick and extensive wall of Gog and Magog, running in a western direction over high and almost inaccessible mountains, built by Sikandar Zu-l-Ḳarnain (to check the incursions of Hyperborean savages) are still to be seen.
Bahkan menurut catatan bani Israel (walaupun oorg barat cuba menggambarkan Alexander lebih kepada dgn gaya hidup greek/barat), selain menyerang semua kerajaan, yg hairannya ketika sampai Jerusalem / Baitulmaqdis, Alexander the Great tidak menyerang Jerusalem, sebalik datang dan hormat kepada para2 wali bani Israel dan baginda juga turut melawat Haykal Sulaiman (masjid Nabi Sulaiman AS) untuk beribadat dan melakukan korban. Memang terdapat catatan Alexander sering melakukan ibadah korban sebelum berperang.
Mereka juga melihat dahi Alexander seperti mempunyai dua tanduk, mungkin kerana stail rambut dia (alaa mcm rambut al Pacino dlm The Godfather lah jenis back comb) sebagaiman ditulis “They call him in the Greek tongue—Muhibb-i-hikmat, the friend of philosophy. Some call him—Zú-l-ḳarnain-i-așghar; because both sides of his forehead projected like two horns.”
Maka saya merasakan Alexander adalah apa yg dikatakan di dlam surah Al Kahfi. (end text by fairuzStone)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- berikut ialah text dan ulasan on kitab Sikandar Nama
See “Essays” by Dr. Haug, Bombay, 1862; the “Acad. des Inscript.” tom. 37, an extract from which is given (p. 274) in Shea's translations of Mirkhond's “History of the Early Kings of Persia”; Malcolm's “History of Persia,” vol. i. p. 494; the list of Zand and Pahlaví books by Trübner & Co.; two articles by Monier Williams, in “the Nineteenth Century,” 1881—“the Religion of Zoroaster” (January), and “The Parsís” (March); “Modern India,” by Monier Williams, pp. 56, 169, 202; Hammer's “History of Persian Literature,” and his “Encyclopedic View of the Sciences of the East.”
Save the rites of Zar-dusht, the fire-worshipper,—
Other customs he surrendered not.
He was the first person who established (the use of) decoration;
(Who), in Rum established gold-coining.
By his order the goldsmith of cunning hand
Fixed leaves of gold on the surface of virgin silver.
The books of wisdom, from the Darí language,
He clothed in the Greek tongue.
Verily the drum of the watch, in the morning and evening,
Brought forth (proclaimed) his name from the watch-place (the court).
He became the guide of the people to the mirror,
Brought forth the jewel (the lustrous mirror) from the darkness (of iron):
Severed the tumult of the men of Zang from the world;
Took crown and throne from Dárá:
From this couplet it may be inferred that formerly in Rúm certain customs were not in use, such as—gold-coining (sikka,e zar); handshaking (mușáfaha); hand-kissing (dast-bosí).
“ilá” here signifies—awráḳ-i-ilá, leaves of gold, with which they plate articles.
Some say that Sikandar, after translating all these Persian books, burned them.
This couplet may refer to the precious jewel that Sikandar brought forth from the darkness. See cantos lxviii. and lxix.
Zang. See canto xix.
Of the blackness (of boasting) of Hindústán and of the yellowness (of plundering) of Russia,
Washed down (purified) the world, like the house of a bride.
His order became the mirror (model) of the men of Chín;
His place the throne of Kay-Khusrau (Cyrus, B.C. 558).
When his age urged (turned) a leaf over twenty years,
It (his age) smote, in royalty, the leather strap on the drum.
Secondly, when he added seven to twenty years,
He bound up his chattels for prophesying (regarding God) and set out.
From that day, when he went a-prophesying,
They wrote the date (era) of Sikandar.
“Baitu-l-'arús” signifies—the whitened house of a man or a woman newly married. When a death occurs the house is blackened.
The men of Hindústán are very black; of Russia, whitish yellow.
Sikandar at the age of twenty, having subdued the monarchs of the East, returned to Rúm and sat on the throne. This was his first excursion. See canto lxxi.
“Dawal,” meaning a drum-stick, here signifies—tasma, a thong of undressed hide.
The firstly occurs in couplet 38.
They call him in the Greek tongue—Muhibb-i-hikmat, the friend of philosophy. Some call him—Zú-l-ḳarnain-i-așghar; because both sides of his forehead projected like two horns.
In the Burhán-i-ḳái', it is written that Dárab's wife, the daughter of Philip of Makedon, being afflicted with a foul breath, was sent back to her father. After a physician, Iskandarús, had cured her, a son, whom doubtless they called Iskandar, was born. See canto xv., couplet 30.
The son of Sikandar and Roshanak (Dárá's daughter) was called Iskan-darús, which, in Rúm, signifies—a shield. See canto xxxv., couplet 83.
They wrote history before Sikandar's mission from a certain date; after his mission from his date; and now from the date of Christ, or of Muhammad.
Before Muhammad's time Persian histories have no era.
When he became the teacher of wisdom, in regard to the true religion (of Islám),
He became, like (auspicious) fortune, joyous to the world:
Stirred up much proof (by miracle) as to the pure religion (of Islám);
Erected many buildings on the surface of the dust (of the earth):
In every revolution round the compass of time (the seven climes),
Founded many wealthy cities:
From Hindústán to the confines of Rúm,
Raised a city in every land and clime.
Gave adornment even to Samarkand;
—Not one Samarkand, but to many (a city) like it:
Founded a city like the city Hirí (Hirát);
Like to which another seldom makes a city.
The door and wall that Darband first obtained,
It obtained, by the wisdom of that wise one (Sikandar).
They say that Sikandar was of the faith of Ibráhím (the prophet), and consequently mu,mín (orthodox); and that Adam was the first Muslim.
“Marz” signifies—zamín-i-ránda va ábád.
“Búm” signifies—zamín-i-ná ránda va kharab.
The “Journal” of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1834, vol. iii. p. 9, says:—Luhrasp began and Sikandar completed the building of Hirát.
“Darband” (dar signifying door, and band, fortress) has several names—
the barrier.
the gate of gates.
the barrier of Sikandar.
sadd-i-ga,júj va ma,júj
the barrier of Gog and Magog.
Darband (ancient Albania), the capital of Daghistan, was a fortress on the western shore of the Caspian Sea, at the foot of the Caucasus, near Shirván. Some remains of the thick and extensive wall of Gog and Magog, running in a western direction over high and almost inaccessible mountains, built by Sikandar Zu-l-Ḳarnain (to check the incursions of Hyperborean savages) are still to be seen.
Many believe that Sikandar (Alexander the Great) is the prophet Sikandar Zu-l-Ḳarnain the greater, mentioned in Sale's Ḳurán, chap. xviii.; and that he built the rampart which confines Ya,júj (Gog) and Ma,júj (Magog). These evil demons, according to the Persians, dwell in Mount Káf, the centre of the world; and their progeny, who are of all sizes and shapes, used to plunder and lay waste the neighbouring countries, till the inhabitants complained to Sikandar, who built his wall to confine them. They scratch it almost through with their claws every day and go home, expecting that they will easily destroy in the morning the little that is left; but in the morning they find the wall rebuilt.
The reason of their failure is their never saying—“Inshalla” (God willing), and they will never destroy this wall till one of their children is named Inshalla, when, on retiring, they will call the boy:—“Come along, Inshalla; we shall finish to-morrow.”
By the accidental use of this expression they will succeed in destroying it, and their consequent ravages will be a sign of the dissolution of the Universe. See Malcolm's “History of Persia,” vol. i. p. 62; and the “Asiatic Journal,” vol. x., January-April, 1833.
In the word Samarḳand, samar is a king's name, and ḳand (in the language of the region this side of the Oxus) signifies—a city.
“Ba shar” signifies—ba muḳtaẓạ.
Pass beyond Bulghár, which is of his work;
Its true site is his Bunghár (chattel-place).
Verily, the barrier of (the tribe of) Ya,juj became lofty by him:
—Who thus established a barrier on the mountain?
When Sikandar, in search of the water of life, came to the “Darkness” (canto lxix), he made in its vicinity a dwelling place (bungáh), or store-place for his chattels, in Bunghár (a place of many caves); and when he came thence and marched into the “Darkness,”—a crowd of people from the neighbouring districts and the men of his army who were wearied of marching assembled and established a great city. The true site of that Bulghár is Bunghár.
“Bunágáh” signifies—bungáh.
In the Rashídí the meaning of Bulghar (Bunghár) is—bisiyar ghár (for bul signifies—bisiyár). The Ḳámus says:—The word is properly Bulghar, but that the people call it Bulghár, which is pure Arabic.
The second line may be rendered:—
Its true foundation is its cave's foundation.
See canto lxviii. couplet 45; lxi. 10.
Near the Caspian, between two mountains, for a length of one hundred farsangs, Sikandar built a wall of brick, iron, tin and lead,—that the two tribes, Ya,júj (Gog) and Ma,júj (Magog), the offspring of Yafar, the son of Nuh (on him be peace!), might not intrude. Sale's Ḳurán, chap. xviii.
See couplets 47 and 59; the second book of this work (the Sikandar-Náma,e bahrí); and the Sháh-Náma, by Firdausí.
Besides this, he also established many foundations (cities);
But one cannot mention about him more than this.
When to that pure body (Sikandar of pure religion) the purpose came,
That he should apportion the form of the dust (of the world).
He drew out a cross-line (wandered far and wide) in the world,
Before that the cross-bearer (the Christian) appeared.
With that celestial line of four angles (for earth-measuring),
He set up the computation of geometry:
Upreared a great tent of four bounds (corners),
That beat five drums against (exulted over) the ninth heaven.
Its one peg in the northern pole,
Its other peg in the southern amplitude.
He drew the tent-rope from this side to the east;
From it another tent-rope reached to the west.
In the plain of Khafcháḳ, between two mountains, Sikandar set up another barrier against robbers.
“Kha-i-șalíbí” signifies—kha-i-alasí, or kha-i-chahár gosha, the cutting of an equatorial with an axial line—the former from east to west, the latter from north to south; or an instrument for measuring the earth.
Sikandar, a world-wanderer, described a cross on the earth—that is, he travelled east, west, north, and south, and discovered the dimensions of the earth.
“Salíbí” here signifies—a cross-bearer, wearing a cross of silver, copper, or wood, attached to his girdle. Many Christians have the cross embroidered on pieces of satin which they wear.
Within this workshop (of the world) as regards (measuring) this length and breadth (of the world);
To whom other (than he) was such power?
When he began the design of world-wandering
For applying the (measuring) line, he prepared lines
Of farsang, and of mile, and of halting-place,—
Of the earth, to the extent of one span, he left not.
He had surveyors, measure-taking;
A hundred scribes appointed to that work (of earth-measuring).
The measuring-line fixed, the dimension became evident;
The limits of the stage became conspicuous.
On dry-land, wherever he pitched his tent,
From stage to stage he measured the way.
About general interests like local or international history, ideas, religion, people, muzik, theory, assumptions and also to talk about current domestic or world politics. whatever...etcetera, etcetera, etcetera..
Monday, May 9, 2011
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Selangore Sultanate
In ancient time, Selangor was not a unified state as it is now. But the places around Selangor were governed by ancient Malay Kingdom like Sri Vijaya based on the river settlements such as Kuala Selangor has its own settlement, Kelang river has its own settlement and so to Jugra-Langat river also had settelement of orang laut and there also some malay tribes from celebes settled there during monsoon, And so those rivers settlement will be administered by appointed headman called mandulika during sri vijaya times and penghulu during Melaka times, all these penghulu/mandulika of kuala selangor, kelang and jugra paid homage to reigning kings of Sri vijaya, then Melaka and followed by Johor Riau empire.. these small settlements served as feeder ports to support the needs of capital port like Palembanng (during sri vijaya), melaka port and riau-lingga port (during Johor riau kingdom), as vassal states they also have to provide manpower for navy fleets and soldiers to the capital during wars. That's why during siamese attack, kelang under its penghulu Tun Perak was recorded as the most prominent fighting battalion or garrison instrumental in defeating siamese army in both attempts around circa 1440- 1450's during Sultan Muzaffar Shah reign.
this settlements of oranglaut tribes had sworn to be the servants and fighting men for any reigning king from bukit seguntang palembang lineage and this was practiced for thousands of years.....
during johor riau empire, when the time of disputes and wars with holland or acheh or else, these rivers were populated by Bugis merceneries and traders as port for them to repair their ships, gathering goods for trading and settlement while waiting monsoon winds for sailing. before establishment of a proper state, there were records about titles like Raja Tua Selangor, Tok Engku Kelang, Tengku Kelana, penghulu and so forth, all were considered as the headmen of representatives to the reigning malay monarch. until during the times of 5bugis brothers controlling or patrolling the areas on behalf of the Sultan, the people of selangor wanted to have their own king fearing that current scenario of continuous warfare around the Malay archipelagos may one day expose these settlement to the dominions or colonization of the western powers especially from the dutch....\\
the situations were not certain here and there, where many wars broken here and there, thus these rivers settlements shall be unified and ruled by a king rather than been possessed by any western powers who always look for colony taking advantage during warring period.
since the bugis had populated the places and well mixed with the orang laut who were also of the same stock,, the people of selangor rivers preferred one of the 5 bugis prince selected to become their king and they favoured Opu Daeng Chelak to become the king. but this cannot been fulfilled, bexause Daeng Chelak was also needed to administer the johor riau empire as Yamtuan Muda (the underking to the Sultan of Johor), since his brother Daeng Perani was killed during a battle at kuala kedah therefore only Daeng Chelak could replace opu Daeng Merewah (the eldest, the first yamtuan muda) if Daeng Merewah died. Moreso, the younger brothers Daeng Kemasi and Daeng Menambun were both had find their place to become king at borneo e.g. Mempawah, Pontianak and Siantan.
for this purpose , a son of opu Daeng Chelak i.e. Daeng/Raja Lumu was tested with several endurance tests and rituals as to qualify to become a sultan and he passed all tests without any harms happened to his body, and therefore the Sultan of Perak who is direct descendant to Sri Vijaya Bukit Seguntang bloodline had invited raja lumu to come to Pulau Pangkor where on his way there were several tests conducted to test him to qualified as a king based on ancient malay kingdom customs and rituals..Seeing raja Lumu survived all tests then Sultan Perak had recognized raja lumu as the righteous person to become a sovereign king and bestowed with regalias and royal orghestra (Nobat) to complete the procession. then Raja Lumu was confirmed as the first sultan of Selangor with title Sultan Salehuddin Shah and qualified to bring home regalias and nobat with the players too who were called as Orang Kalau/Kelur and their posutions were inherited down to their descendants until now.
this settlements of oranglaut tribes had sworn to be the servants and fighting men for any reigning king from bukit seguntang palembang lineage and this was practiced for thousands of years.....
during johor riau empire, when the time of disputes and wars with holland or acheh or else, these rivers were populated by Bugis merceneries and traders as port for them to repair their ships, gathering goods for trading and settlement while waiting monsoon winds for sailing. before establishment of a proper state, there were records about titles like Raja Tua Selangor, Tok Engku Kelang, Tengku Kelana, penghulu and so forth, all were considered as the headmen of representatives to the reigning malay monarch. until during the times of 5bugis brothers controlling or patrolling the areas on behalf of the Sultan, the people of selangor wanted to have their own king fearing that current scenario of continuous warfare around the Malay archipelagos may one day expose these settlement to the dominions or colonization of the western powers especially from the dutch....\\
the situations were not certain here and there, where many wars broken here and there, thus these rivers settlements shall be unified and ruled by a king rather than been possessed by any western powers who always look for colony taking advantage during warring period.
since the bugis had populated the places and well mixed with the orang laut who were also of the same stock,, the people of selangor rivers preferred one of the 5 bugis prince selected to become their king and they favoured Opu Daeng Chelak to become the king. but this cannot been fulfilled, bexause Daeng Chelak was also needed to administer the johor riau empire as Yamtuan Muda (the underking to the Sultan of Johor), since his brother Daeng Perani was killed during a battle at kuala kedah therefore only Daeng Chelak could replace opu Daeng Merewah (the eldest, the first yamtuan muda) if Daeng Merewah died. Moreso, the younger brothers Daeng Kemasi and Daeng Menambun were both had find their place to become king at borneo e.g. Mempawah, Pontianak and Siantan.
for this purpose , a son of opu Daeng Chelak i.e. Daeng/Raja Lumu was tested with several endurance tests and rituals as to qualify to become a sultan and he passed all tests without any harms happened to his body, and therefore the Sultan of Perak who is direct descendant to Sri Vijaya Bukit Seguntang bloodline had invited raja lumu to come to Pulau Pangkor where on his way there were several tests conducted to test him to qualified as a king based on ancient malay kingdom customs and rituals..Seeing raja Lumu survived all tests then Sultan Perak had recognized raja lumu as the righteous person to become a sovereign king and bestowed with regalias and royal orghestra (Nobat) to complete the procession. then Raja Lumu was confirmed as the first sultan of Selangor with title Sultan Salehuddin Shah and qualified to bring home regalias and nobat with the players too who were called as Orang Kalau/Kelur and their posutions were inherited down to their descendants until now.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
coup d'etat in ancient Malay Sultanate (Melaka) Part2
Tun Ali bin Mani Purindan is brother to Raja Kassim's mother. As uncle, he couldn't bear to see Raja Kassim who's an able man and fit to be the sultan live as peasant , as compared to the minor king that's being used by Raja Rokan to impose his influence on the administration of the kingdom. Tun Ali had many fiends of Muslims traders who started to frequently harbouring Melaka port. Their numbers were increased from time to time since the conversion of Melaka sultan to Islam. They comprised of traders from Gujerat, Benggala, Bombay, Hadhramaut, Jeddah, Habshah,Persia, Turkey and other smaller states.
Some of the ships of Muslim traders were also equipped with sufficient weaponry for the protection from piracy or any other enemies. Tun Ali met some Arab ship captains and told them the situation in Melaka, the only way to save it is through coup d'etat, considering the current support towards palace had weakened due to abuse of power by Raja Rokan where many ministers and court officials were not in favor with the running of the throne. One ship capatain agreed to the condition if this plan is successful, he wanted the Raja Paraeswara Dewa Syah's (the minor king)mother, the Puteri Rokan, been given to be his wife as reward for his mercenaries. Tun Ali agreeable to that.
At one black night, all the muslims ships crews from Arabs and India assembled at the port of Melaka complete with fighting weapon, Tun Ali and local fighting from those who sympathized with the fate of Raja kassim joined the attacking army. They move in the night to Bendahara Seri Wak Raja residence, with Raja Kassim on top of an elephant they stopped at the Bendahara's main gate. Tun Ali came to Bendahara's house and called Bendahara said the king summons Bendahara ("titah memanggil Datok naik ke gajah!!") to join his highness on the elephant waiting outside the gate at once. And so Dato Bendahara Sri Wak Raja rushed underdressed to the elephant thinking it is the reigning king waiting for him.
To his surprise it was Raja Kassim, not Raja Parameswara Dewa Syah. And he saw many fighting men complete with war gears surround the Raja Kassim elephant. Bendahara understood they all were there to invade the palace and overthrow the raja Rokan's men. Bendahara cannot say much but to condone and saying "Raja Kassim pun tuan kepada kita juga" or Raja Kassim is my lord too.
The attacking party moved to the palace and attacked at once. It were chaos and havoc that night. Raja Kassim ordered the men not to kill Raja Rokan first , fearing his brother the minor king who's always inhis arms be killed if they do anything unto Raja Rokan, but the atmosphere was so noisy with men shouting and fighting. The palace was defended mostly by palace guards and Raja Rokan's loyal men. Some soldiers knowing that this is a coup d'etat by the elder prince, stayed away from the fight and be neutral,
The palace side was defeated and the ianvading fighters did not know Raja Kassim order. They especially those who has long dislikened Raja Rokan's attitude and manners attacked him and had succeed to injure him. Knowing he was inh=jured he then killed the minor king first whilst many tried to take the king away from him but Raja Rokan hugged the king so tightly. With no choice they finished the life of Raja Rokan.. and the minor King was already dead by Raja Rokan's keris.
Tun Ali had selected one beautiful palace attendant to impersonate like Puteri Rokan, and she's given to the Arab ship capatain who has cooperated to bring Muslims trader to join the invading team.
Raja Kassim then succeeded to become the next Melaka king with title Sultan Muzaffar Syah where he is the first to use Sultan as the king title replacing formerly used Raja.. since the use of name Sultan, Islam then was considered to become official religion to Melaka kingdom and later on by all malays throughout Malays Archipelagoes.
Tun Ali bin Mani Purindan is brother to Raja Kassim's mother. As uncle, he couldn't bear to see Raja Kassim who's an able man and fit to be the sultan live as peasant , as compared to the minor king that's being used by Raja Rokan to impose his influence on the administration of the kingdom. Tun Ali had many fiends of Muslims traders who started to frequently harbouring Melaka port. Their numbers were increased from time to time since the conversion of Melaka sultan to Islam. They comprised of traders from Gujerat, Benggala, Bombay, Hadhramaut, Jeddah, Habshah,Persia, Turkey and other smaller states.
Some of the ships of Muslim traders were also equipped with sufficient weaponry for the protection from piracy or any other enemies. Tun Ali met some Arab ship captains and told them the situation in Melaka, the only way to save it is through coup d'etat, considering the current support towards palace had weakened due to abuse of power by Raja Rokan where many ministers and court officials were not in favor with the running of the throne. One ship capatain agreed to the condition if this plan is successful, he wanted the Raja Paraeswara Dewa Syah's (the minor king)mother, the Puteri Rokan, been given to be his wife as reward for his mercenaries. Tun Ali agreeable to that.
At one black night, all the muslims ships crews from Arabs and India assembled at the port of Melaka complete with fighting weapon, Tun Ali and local fighting from those who sympathized with the fate of Raja kassim joined the attacking army. They move in the night to Bendahara Seri Wak Raja residence, with Raja Kassim on top of an elephant they stopped at the Bendahara's main gate. Tun Ali came to Bendahara's house and called Bendahara said the king summons Bendahara ("titah memanggil Datok naik ke gajah!!") to join his highness on the elephant waiting outside the gate at once. And so Dato Bendahara Sri Wak Raja rushed underdressed to the elephant thinking it is the reigning king waiting for him.
To his surprise it was Raja Kassim, not Raja Parameswara Dewa Syah. And he saw many fighting men complete with war gears surround the Raja Kassim elephant. Bendahara understood they all were there to invade the palace and overthrow the raja Rokan's men. Bendahara cannot say much but to condone and saying "Raja Kassim pun tuan kepada kita juga" or Raja Kassim is my lord too.
The attacking party moved to the palace and attacked at once. It were chaos and havoc that night. Raja Kassim ordered the men not to kill Raja Rokan first , fearing his brother the minor king who's always inhis arms be killed if they do anything unto Raja Rokan, but the atmosphere was so noisy with men shouting and fighting. The palace was defended mostly by palace guards and Raja Rokan's loyal men. Some soldiers knowing that this is a coup d'etat by the elder prince, stayed away from the fight and be neutral,
The palace side was defeated and the ianvading fighters did not know Raja Kassim order. They especially those who has long dislikened Raja Rokan's attitude and manners attacked him and had succeed to injure him. Knowing he was inh=jured he then killed the minor king first whilst many tried to take the king away from him but Raja Rokan hugged the king so tightly. With no choice they finished the life of Raja Rokan.. and the minor King was already dead by Raja Rokan's keris.
Tun Ali had selected one beautiful palace attendant to impersonate like Puteri Rokan, and she's given to the Arab ship capatain who has cooperated to bring Muslims trader to join the invading team.
Raja Kassim then succeeded to become the next Melaka king with title Sultan Muzaffar Syah where he is the first to use Sultan as the king title replacing formerly used Raja.. since the use of name Sultan, Islam then was considered to become official religion to Melaka kingdom and later on by all malays throughout Malays Archipelagoes.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Ancient Mariner - the spirit and courage
"We're following the ancient Cinnamon Route," he says proudly, seated atop a coil of rope in the ship's bow as it skims across the Java Sea. "Indonesian ships sailed it thousands of years ago, bringing the spices of the islands to Africa and returning with iron, luxury goods such as ivory and leopard skins, and slaves. It was the beginning of global commerce."
Though largely unknown outside of the region, this was one of the first great achievements in marine exploration: centuries before anybody else engaged in regular long-distance voyages, mariners from the Malay Archipelago ruled the Indian Ocean. The Roman historian Pliny wrote in the first century A.D. about sailors arriving in Africa from the eastern sea on rafts, propelled not by sails but by "the spirit of man and human courage," carrying cinnamon and other spices.
Read more:,9171,480337,00.html#ixzz0dPqiCpgS
Though largely unknown outside of the region, this was one of the first great achievements in marine exploration: centuries before anybody else engaged in regular long-distance voyages, mariners from the Malay Archipelago ruled the Indian Ocean. The Roman historian Pliny wrote in the first century A.D. about sailors arriving in Africa from the eastern sea on rafts, propelled not by sails but by "the spirit of man and human courage," carrying cinnamon and other spices.
Read more:,9171,480337,00.html#ixzz0dPqiCpgS
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Get Rid of It, Move Forward
By kamal ahmad on November 3, 2009 4:34 PM
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Saya posting perang Tun tak masuk. Hanan dah duk kena tabuh dah. Tak mau tepalit. Tapi kirim salam kat dia. Bro Waja Perak, this posting saya fly cover S Tan. Pipe of peace duk menanak berasap lagi. Take care all. Lama tak dengar Waja Perak hentam kiri kanan. Saya baru sudah buat brownies. Beli ready made bancuh, bake saja. Mai mai makan!
By fairuzstone on November 3, 2009 10:29 AM
Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun and everyones,
I subscribe to the idea that BN should not loose the GE 13th, since the people had seen the ineffeciency of PR in administration of states under their control. So many have been witnessed by public the like adun resignation motions,changing side due to lack of confidence towards their leadership and so forth.
What DSNTR has to prove now onward is to prove that his administration is not like the former flip-flop-level 4-centered administration. He must get rid of those 5-year of disaster and its elements. and he must do it now or never.... 'cuz time flies fast...
fairuz kamarulzaman
By mod on November 3, 2009 9:03 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
UMNO dan BN bersikap 'Gentlement' mengarahkan SPRM(BPR) melakukan siasatan perihal salahlaku yang boleh menyebabkan gejala 'rasuah' dari golongan bawahan hinggalah keperingkat kepimpinan. Dan jika terbukti ada kes perlulah dibawa kemuka pengadilan.
PAS, DAP, PKR - (PR) bagaimana?.
Sebab itulah, apabila berkaitan rasuah/salahlaku lebih menjuruskan BN, kerana PR tak berapa berani melaporkan, sebab ada 'dua alam'.
PAS Kelantan nak rasuah 'syurga'.
PR Selangor sedang disiasat, tapi tak ada lapuran kepada SPRM, cuma inisiatif SPRM sahaja. Yang jelas penyelewengan telah berlaku.
Rakyat perlu sedar sekarang parti manakah yang lebih telus.
By wajaperak on November 3, 2009 8:46 AM
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
All is well if we don’t harbour ill will for one another. We are debating viewpoints and it is fairly expected to get agitated sometimes. We don’t have to put down our swords, we need it for self defense (but not for cutting opposition)]]
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Saya posting perang Tun tak masuk. Hanan dah duk kena tabuh dah. Tak mau tepalit. Tapi kirim salam kat dia. Bro Waja Perak, this posting saya fly cover S Tan. Pipe of peace duk menanak berasap lagi. Take care all. Lama tak dengar Waja Perak hentam kiri kanan. Saya baru sudah buat brownies. Beli ready made bancuh, bake saja. Mai mai makan!
By fairuzstone on November 3, 2009 10:29 AM
Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun and everyones,
I subscribe to the idea that BN should not loose the GE 13th, since the people had seen the ineffeciency of PR in administration of states under their control. So many have been witnessed by public the like adun resignation motions,changing side due to lack of confidence towards their leadership and so forth.
What DSNTR has to prove now onward is to prove that his administration is not like the former flip-flop-level 4-centered administration. He must get rid of those 5-year of disaster and its elements. and he must do it now or never.... 'cuz time flies fast...
fairuz kamarulzaman
By mod on November 3, 2009 9:03 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
UMNO dan BN bersikap 'Gentlement' mengarahkan SPRM(BPR) melakukan siasatan perihal salahlaku yang boleh menyebabkan gejala 'rasuah' dari golongan bawahan hinggalah keperingkat kepimpinan. Dan jika terbukti ada kes perlulah dibawa kemuka pengadilan.
PAS, DAP, PKR - (PR) bagaimana?.
Sebab itulah, apabila berkaitan rasuah/salahlaku lebih menjuruskan BN, kerana PR tak berapa berani melaporkan, sebab ada 'dua alam'.
PAS Kelantan nak rasuah 'syurga'.
PR Selangor sedang disiasat, tapi tak ada lapuran kepada SPRM, cuma inisiatif SPRM sahaja. Yang jelas penyelewengan telah berlaku.
Rakyat perlu sedar sekarang parti manakah yang lebih telus.
By wajaperak on November 3, 2009 8:46 AM
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
All is well if we don’t harbour ill will for one another. We are debating viewpoints and it is fairly expected to get agitated sometimes. We don’t have to put down our swords, we need it for self defense (but not for cutting opposition)]]
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Bendahara Melaka - Johor (extracted from Wikipedia)
Bendaharas of Malacca and Johore
* Tun Perpatih Muka Berjajar, Bendahara
* Tun Perpatih Tulus, Bendahara of Malacca
* Raden Bagus, Bendahara of Malacca
* Raden Anum, Bendahara Sri Amar DiRaja, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Perpatih Sedang, Bendahara Sri Wak Raja, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Perpatih Putih, Bendahara Paduka Tuan, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Perak, Bendahara Paduka Raja, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Mutahir, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Tepok, Bendahara Paduka Tuan, Bendahara of Malacca
After the fall of Malacca to the Portuguese, the Malacca Sultanate was succeeded by the Johore Sultanate
* Tun Khoja, Bendahara Paduka Raja, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Biajid, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Mahmud, Bendahara Tun Narawangsa, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Isap Misai, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Sri Lanang, Bendahara Paduka Raja, Bendahara of Johore. He was captured by the Achenese forces and opted to remain in Acheh.
The following Bendaharas were sidelined by the palace following the rise of Laksamana Paduka Tuan
* Tun Anum, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Mat Ali, Bendahara Paduka Tuan, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Rantau, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore. He was captured by the Jambi forces.
* Tun Habib Abdul Majid, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara Padang Saujana, restored back the position of the bendahara in the palace.
* Tun Abdul Jalil, Bendahara Paduka Raja, was elevated to the Sultan of Johore, Sultan Abdul Jalil IV following the death of Sultan Mahmud II. The Temenggung branch of his dynasty still rules the Malaysian state of Johore today.
* Tun Abbas, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore and Pahang
Following the elevation Sultan Abdul Jalil IV, the bendahara was granted Pahang as their personal fief. From thereon afterwards the Bendahara of Johor is known as the Bendahara in Pahang. They are also known as "Raja Bendahara" for their status as the rulers of the vassal state of Pahang. Pahang was the vassal of Johore Sultanate.
[edit] Bendahara in Pahang
* Tun Abdul Majid, Raja Bendahara Pahang I (1777-1802)
* Tun Muhammad, Raja Bendahara Pahang II
* Tun Koris, Bendahara Paduka Raja, Raja Bendahara Pahang III (1803-1806)
* Tun Ali, Bendahara Siwa Raja, Raja Bendahara Pahang IV (1806-1847)
* Tun Mutahir, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Raja Bendahara Pahang V (1847-1863). He is the last reigning Raja Bendahara of Pahang. He was ousted by his brother Wan Ahmad who was later proclaimed as Sultan of Pahang after the dismemberment of the Johore Empire.
[edit] S
* Tun Perpatih Muka Berjajar, Bendahara
* Tun Perpatih Tulus, Bendahara of Malacca
* Raden Bagus, Bendahara of Malacca
* Raden Anum, Bendahara Sri Amar DiRaja, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Perpatih Sedang, Bendahara Sri Wak Raja, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Perpatih Putih, Bendahara Paduka Tuan, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Perak, Bendahara Paduka Raja, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Mutahir, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Malacca
* Tun Tepok, Bendahara Paduka Tuan, Bendahara of Malacca
After the fall of Malacca to the Portuguese, the Malacca Sultanate was succeeded by the Johore Sultanate
* Tun Khoja, Bendahara Paduka Raja, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Biajid, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Mahmud, Bendahara Tun Narawangsa, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Isap Misai, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Sri Lanang, Bendahara Paduka Raja, Bendahara of Johore. He was captured by the Achenese forces and opted to remain in Acheh.
The following Bendaharas were sidelined by the palace following the rise of Laksamana Paduka Tuan
* Tun Anum, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Mat Ali, Bendahara Paduka Tuan, Bendahara of Johore
* Tun Rantau, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore. He was captured by the Jambi forces.
* Tun Habib Abdul Majid, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara Padang Saujana, restored back the position of the bendahara in the palace.
* Tun Abdul Jalil, Bendahara Paduka Raja, was elevated to the Sultan of Johore, Sultan Abdul Jalil IV following the death of Sultan Mahmud II. The Temenggung branch of his dynasty still rules the Malaysian state of Johore today.
* Tun Abbas, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Bendahara of Johore and Pahang
Following the elevation Sultan Abdul Jalil IV, the bendahara was granted Pahang as their personal fief. From thereon afterwards the Bendahara of Johor is known as the Bendahara in Pahang. They are also known as "Raja Bendahara" for their status as the rulers of the vassal state of Pahang. Pahang was the vassal of Johore Sultanate.
[edit] Bendahara in Pahang
* Tun Abdul Majid, Raja Bendahara Pahang I (1777-1802)
* Tun Muhammad, Raja Bendahara Pahang II
* Tun Koris, Bendahara Paduka Raja, Raja Bendahara Pahang III (1803-1806)
* Tun Ali, Bendahara Siwa Raja, Raja Bendahara Pahang IV (1806-1847)
* Tun Mutahir, Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Raja Bendahara Pahang V (1847-1863). He is the last reigning Raja Bendahara of Pahang. He was ousted by his brother Wan Ahmad who was later proclaimed as Sultan of Pahang after the dismemberment of the Johore Empire.
[edit] S
Friday, August 28, 2009
Bhg 3 - Kedatangan dan pengaruh Bugis di Tanah Melayu
Sedang Dinasti Bendahara memulakan tapak pemerintahan meneruskan kesinambungan kerajaan Johor Riau, kemudian muncul pula tuntutan takhta oleh Raja Kechil dari Siak yang mendakwa bahawa dia adalah anak kepada Sultan Mahmud ke2 yg telah mangkat itu. Bersama angkatannya yg disokong oleh kerajaan2 kecil di Sumatra terutama dari Kampar, Siak dan Minangkabau berserta bantuan dari orang laut yg mempercayai bahwa Raja Kechil Siak itu merupakan anakanda kepada sultan yg telah mangkat itu.
Maka mereka telah menyerang ibukota Johor riau ketika itu di kota tinggi Johor dengan matlamat merampas takhta kerajaan dari Sultan Abdul Jalil Riayat Shah bekas bendahara.
Pihak Sultan Abd Jalil akhirnya tewas dan bersama kaum kerabat dan pengiring serta pembesar yg ada melarikan diri ke Pahang dan Terengganu.
Pada masa huru hara politik yg berlaku pada kerajaan Johor Riau (empayar Melayu yang terakhir), peranan dan bantuan dari orang Melayu suku Bugis bakal menjadi penentu siapakah yang berhak menjadi raja Johor Riau.
Dari Sulawesi Selatan, Luwuk yg dikatakan negeri dan kerajaan yg tertua di tanah bugis, apabila kekandanya diangkat sebagai Raja negeri Luwuk maka Opu Tanreburong Daeng Rilaka yg mempunyai 5 orang anak lelaki iaitu Opu Daeng Merewah, Opu Daeng Perani,Opu Daeng Chelak, Opu Daeng Menambun dan Opu Daeng Kemasi telah berkira-kira hendak berkelana kerana tidak mahu anak-anakl lelaki nya yg mempunyai bakat, kemampuan dan berderajat hanya menjadi penjawat awam di istana atau di balai kerajaan kekandanya jika mereka kekal diam di Luwuk.
Pada Daeng Rilaka adalah lebih bermaruah berkelana meneroka peluang dan tempat orang dengan berdagang atau menyediakan tenaga askar upahan mana2 negeri melayu yg memerlukan pertolongan. Dengan membawa nama baik dan keupayaan yg ada lagi baik dicuba mencari khidmat dan nama di negeri orang.Hendaknya di zaman itu sudah tiada lagi kerajaan melayu yg benar2 berwibawa dan kuat, semuanya telah berpecah pecah menjadi negeri kecil dan menjaga hal ehwal masing2 aje.
Ini kerana sejak kedatangn portugis dan tumbangnya empayar Melaka, hanya kerajaan Johor Riau dan kerajaan Acheh sj yg dianggapkerajaan besar untuk menaung kerajan2 kecil yg ada. Makin pula masing2 selalu berperang sesama sendiri, makin mudahlah Belanda meluaskan lagi jajahan dengan menguasai perdagangan rempah kerana kerajaan melayu ketika itu jika tidak berperang dengan portugis maka akan berperang sesama sendiri seperti Acheh yg besar kemudian mahu menguasai pula neger12 yg sebelum itu bernaung di bawah Johor Riau seperti Perak dan Kedah yg sentiasa di ganggu dan diserang. dan juga Pahang.
Lama kelamaan kerjaan2 melayu semakin lemah dan kehabisan sumber,keadaan ini makin memudahkan Belanda sedikit demi sedikit menguasai perdagangan rempah dari laluan kepulauan maluku ke nusantara.
Maka mereka telah menyerang ibukota Johor riau ketika itu di kota tinggi Johor dengan matlamat merampas takhta kerajaan dari Sultan Abdul Jalil Riayat Shah bekas bendahara.
Pihak Sultan Abd Jalil akhirnya tewas dan bersama kaum kerabat dan pengiring serta pembesar yg ada melarikan diri ke Pahang dan Terengganu.
Pada masa huru hara politik yg berlaku pada kerajaan Johor Riau (empayar Melayu yang terakhir), peranan dan bantuan dari orang Melayu suku Bugis bakal menjadi penentu siapakah yang berhak menjadi raja Johor Riau.
Dari Sulawesi Selatan, Luwuk yg dikatakan negeri dan kerajaan yg tertua di tanah bugis, apabila kekandanya diangkat sebagai Raja negeri Luwuk maka Opu Tanreburong Daeng Rilaka yg mempunyai 5 orang anak lelaki iaitu Opu Daeng Merewah, Opu Daeng Perani,Opu Daeng Chelak, Opu Daeng Menambun dan Opu Daeng Kemasi telah berkira-kira hendak berkelana kerana tidak mahu anak-anakl lelaki nya yg mempunyai bakat, kemampuan dan berderajat hanya menjadi penjawat awam di istana atau di balai kerajaan kekandanya jika mereka kekal diam di Luwuk.
Pada Daeng Rilaka adalah lebih bermaruah berkelana meneroka peluang dan tempat orang dengan berdagang atau menyediakan tenaga askar upahan mana2 negeri melayu yg memerlukan pertolongan. Dengan membawa nama baik dan keupayaan yg ada lagi baik dicuba mencari khidmat dan nama di negeri orang.Hendaknya di zaman itu sudah tiada lagi kerajaan melayu yg benar2 berwibawa dan kuat, semuanya telah berpecah pecah menjadi negeri kecil dan menjaga hal ehwal masing2 aje.
Ini kerana sejak kedatangn portugis dan tumbangnya empayar Melaka, hanya kerajaan Johor Riau dan kerajaan Acheh sj yg dianggapkerajaan besar untuk menaung kerajan2 kecil yg ada. Makin pula masing2 selalu berperang sesama sendiri, makin mudahlah Belanda meluaskan lagi jajahan dengan menguasai perdagangan rempah kerana kerajaan melayu ketika itu jika tidak berperang dengan portugis maka akan berperang sesama sendiri seperti Acheh yg besar kemudian mahu menguasai pula neger12 yg sebelum itu bernaung di bawah Johor Riau seperti Perak dan Kedah yg sentiasa di ganggu dan diserang. dan juga Pahang.
Lama kelamaan kerjaan2 melayu semakin lemah dan kehabisan sumber,keadaan ini makin memudahkan Belanda sedikit demi sedikit menguasai perdagangan rempah dari laluan kepulauan maluku ke nusantara.
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