Tuesday, July 8, 2008

coup d'etat in ancient malay sultanate - part 1

according to sulalatus salatin (the malay annals), a narrative records of Melaka Sultanate, there was a coup d'etat during the early establishment of this kingdom.

Sultan Muhammad Syah has many wives. So, the wife of royal blood has priority of her son to become heir of the throne. however when Sultan Muhammad Syah died, the heir of royal blood was still a minor, around 5 - 7 years of age, which obviously had no interest about ruling a kingdom or a government. At the same time, the late sultan has another elder son but not of royal blood wife, that was Raja Kassim.

The minor heir was installed as new king of Melaka as Parameswara Dewa Syah. His mother was Puteri Raja Rokan (Rokan was one of vassal state of Melaka). Since he was still a minor knowing nothing about the affairs of state administration, trading and protocols except playing with his peers and servants. Things became worst when the Raja of Rokan, father to Puteri Rokan as well as king's grandfather, take opportunity of his status as grandfather to become like an acting king of Melaka since the minor king was always in his arms (didokong) wherever the king was is there would be Raja Rokan.

The elder son of former king of another wife was Raja Kassim. His mother was of noblewoman with tamil muslim blood as her father was Dato' Mani Purindan a richman who claimed he's a royal blood from India who not been chosen to become king there and seek fortune in Melaka with all his households and followers and paid homage and loyalty to KIng of Melaka and become the King's subjects forever with all his households and followers, he came from southern india to Melaka and pledge loyalty to the King of Melaka and all his descendents will adopt all the customs, language and laws of Melaka forever.

Since Raja Kassim, eventhough he is older than the minor king, well-learned, sound knowledge of state's affairs and administrative and protocols, was not given the right to become King of Melaka and so he brought himself to live as ordinary people at port of Melaka, stay in his common people relatives and worked at port just like other commoners.

At the court Melaka, the minor king was just like a puppet and the real ruler was Raja Rokan his grandfather who sits on the throne with the king in his arms in the 'balai penghadapan' and 'balai rong seri'. Gradually these situations had caused some restless among the ministers, the officers and the knights who slowly realized that they were ruled by an acting king of a vassal state of Melaka, a tributary state it was. They all were in the state of dilemma.

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Sometimes there are some people who like to do the things that they dont want to do.